Hey, Risia

I hope you find it. I have a number of questions about this mysterious project.
Which one was it?

I found a bunch on the GB, but didn't know which thread you started here.
It's here somewhere in the recent past. I posted a bunch of questions to him in it.

I did a search and found many different threads with SLG project....

which one is it?

And was it at all BDSM oriented?

If not, it may have been moved.

So what was the title, or do you really want to find it?

No, there was only one Project SLG off-shoot thread on BDSM board.

The rest were on the General Board.

I replied to UCE's question, and ''bang!'' Risia removed it without explanation. I'm not bothered that much. I'm just curious as to why...
ChilledVodka said:
What did you do with my Project SLG thread?

Hi there, CV. *I* actually didn't do anything with it, but I did receive a PM from Laurel letting me know that *she* had removed it for copyright violation. She also asked me to send you to the GB, where she explained her reasons for doing so, or to suggest that you contact her by PM if you need further info.

I hope that helps you find the answer you needed.

Forum Moderator
Darn! I didn't see Chilled Vodka's answer before the thread was disappeared, so I'll never get to knowwhat project slg was. Poor me!