Hey musicians!


Literotica Guru
Sep 27, 2010
Lets discuss your equipment and music. Feel free to share pictures of your setup or links to your music. Tits and guitars work as well. Also what is your dream insturment?

My setup is a Fender Jimmie Vaughan strat through either a bugera v5 or 72 fender MMB. Pedals are real simple. Tube screamer and crybaby. For acoustic I play a Martin DM. For bass I switch between a knockoff Pbass or a squier jag bass. My current project is a squier tele that I'm upgrading to p90s.

A dream guitar is a tie between a 72 strat to go with my amp, or a 60s SG with p90s.

Ill post pictures and audio when I get home.
I am totally ignorant of all things music, have never played an instrument, have no idea how to read music or even how other people read that shit, am about as tone deaf as a person can get, usually can't tell the difference between mono and stereo, find most concerts to be way too loud and know shit about any music from the last 20 years unless it's from Manilow.
I do however own a really nice Yamaha piano that I once tried to play chopsticks on but totally screwed it up.
Dream guitar...The rare, the ultimate 7 string shredder, the Ibanez Universe UV7BK green dot.


Current favie Ibanez RGA8QM......CHECK THE TONE!!!!:D

I use a cheap little Line6 35w(I think) amp.

This is the dream unit...one day I'll drop the cheese.
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Lets discuss your equipment and music. Also what is your dream insturment?


I'm currently working my way through Grade 2 Recorder but my teacher says with more practice (I have to blow up a hot water bottle 3 times a day) one day I'll be ready to take one of these bad boys.

Dream guitar...The rare, the ultimate 7 string shredder, the Ibanez Universe UV7BK green dot.


Current favie Ibanez RGA8QM......CHECK THE TONE!!!!:D

I use a cheap little Line6 35w(I think) amp.

This is the dream unit...one day I'll drop the cheese.

I never liked 7 strings. I did have a mid level RG that I wish I never sold. Screamed like a banshee yet had the most sexy bluesy tones you could want. It was set up HSH.
I've got an sm57 mic. Probably one of the most versitile out there.
Good choice for pretty much anything. My main setup are two 57's on stereo input.

Do you know of an easy to usedrum machine program? Prefuably cheap or free.
Do you have any kind of studio software today? There are I think some pretty good VSTi plugs that are all-in-one. Sampler, drumsynth and sequencer.
Good choice for pretty much anything. My main setup are two 57's on stereo input.

Do you have any kind of studio software today? There are I think some pretty good VSTi plugs that are all-in-one. Sampler, drumsynth and sequencer.

I've got cakewalk music creator 4. I really should upgrade.
SRV signature Strat; 1980 Les Paul; brand spankin new BB King Lucille Gibson - all through Mesa Boogie Lone Star. Mainly Ibanez tube screamer and cry baby wawa, but on occasion use Boss tremelo, Octaver and Super Chorus.

Slinky 9 thous

Record through Mbox to Pro tools 8
fender tele (usa - 1952 vintage reissue)
fender jaguar (japan - hh special)
fender jazz bass (mexico - standard)

fender hot rod deluxe
vox ac-30
ampeg BA115

ehx holy stain (fuzz/reverb/pitch/trem)
ehx holy grail reverb
ehx memory boy delay
ibanez de7 delay
mxr analog chorus
ews fuzzy drive
proco rat2
I never liked 7 strings. I did have a mid level RG that I wish I never sold. Screamed like a banshee yet had the most sexy bluesy tones you could want. It was set up HSH.

Mid level Ibanez's are usually pretty decent guitars, if anything they just need new pick up's should you want a diff sound.

Oh man once I started on 7's I was sold biggie...esp as a metal fan, getting those low crunchy riffs you simply can't get on a 6 string is almost needed with a whole shit load of post 90's metal. Plus being 6'4" with proportionally large hands the fat neck on the 7 just feels right...nice and chunky, after a few hrs with it 6S guitars actually felt weirder/more foreign than the 7. Like a banjo almost lol.

Here is some serious 7 string shredding wankery...Jeff Loomis....guy is a machine, all instrumental so no worries about screaming pendejo's or anything.

I think all guitar players should try the ghs david glimour strings. I love em. Sound great and last a good while
fender tele (usa - 1952 vintage reissue)
fender jaguar (japan - hh special)
fender jazz bass (mexico - standard)

fender hot rod deluxe
vox ac-30
ampeg BA115

ehx holy stain (fuzz/reverb/pitch/trem)
ehx holy grail reverb
ehx memory boy delay
ibanez de7 delay
mxr analog chorus
ews fuzzy drive
proco rat2

Have you heard of devi ever? Shes the queen of fuzz. Botique pedals in the 100 dollar range

Mid level Ibanez's are usually pretty decent guitars, if anything they just need new pick up's should you want a diff sound.

Oh man once I started on 7's I was sold biggie...esp as a metal fan, getting those low crunchy riffs you simply can't get on a 6 string is almost needed with a whole shit load of post 90's metal. Plus being 6'4" with proportionally large hands the fat neck on the 7 just feels right...nice and chunky, after a few hrs with it 6S guitars actually felt weirder/more foreign than the 7. Like a banjo almost lol.

Here is some serious 7 string shredding wankery...Jeff Loomis....guy is a machine, all instrumental so no worries about screaming pendejo's or anything.


My hands are too small for a 7 and I dont care much for the flat shred necks. My strat is a soft V. Thick as hhell
I am totally ignorant of all things music, have never played an instrument, have no idea how to read music or even how other people read that shit, am about as tone deaf as a person can get, usually can't tell the difference between mono and stereo, find most concerts to be way too loud and know shit about any music from the last 20 years unless it's from Manilow.
I do however own a really nice Yamaha piano that I once tried to play chopsticks on but totally screwed it up.

I think this explains the Barry Manilow thing.
No, I don't think it explains my incredibly good taste in music at all.

Years ago there was some kind of joke going around the net, something like 10 things a guy will never say. One of the was, That Barry Manilow is a cool motherfucker.
No, I don't think it explains my incredibly good taste in music at all.

Anyone who owns a Barry Manilow record is immediately disqualified from using the the words my, good, taste, and music all in the same sentence.