Here's an interesting TitBit...


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
An interesting titbit from Statistics Canada about the city I live in...

After English and French, the language you are most likely to hear here is... Arabic.

What about your town? What's the second and third language you hear most often in your day?

Lancecastor said:
An interesting titbit from Statistics Canada about the city I live in...

After English and French, the language you are most likely to hear here is... Arabic.

What about your town? What's the second and third language you hear most often in your day?


They must have polled cab-users.
I think "hick" is the predominant language here, followed closely by English.
Definitely redneck in Nevada. California was, of course, Spanish. In fact, the last town I lived in there, whites were the minority. It was kinda cool - like living in a foreign country without the hassles of converting my cash.
Houston is so diversified it depends on which part of the city you are in!

In my old neighborhood it was English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Now it's just English and Spanish and Hick - I've moved way out to the sticks outside of Houston!

But I've heard just about every language there is here I think!
Rubyfruit said:
Definitely redneck in Nevada. California was, of course, Spanish. In fact, the last town I lived in there, whites were the minority. It was kinda cool - like living in a foreign country without the hassles of converting my cash.

Move back!

Here the predominate language is BMW.

Edited because I just saw yet another BMW.
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1. SouthWest VA hick
2. West VA hick
3. Redneck
4. Southern redneck
5. English.
My town isn't listed, as far as I can tell, but the closest big city to me has Italian as #2 after English, with Spanish, Chinese, Portugese and Polish beating out French, and Arabic and Punjabi right behind that.
Definitely Arabic where I am too. The city I live in has 100,000 arabs and I live downtown where they all seem to be.
Mandarin and Japanese.

I live at a Uni that is renowned for its international math students.
After English and French:

3. Chinese
4. Italian
5. German
6. Punjabi
7. Spanish
I live in Vermont. The whitest, least ethnic state in the country.

But... we are right below Quebec. So in Vermont, the other language you're apt to hear, especially up north, is Canadian French.

<edited to fix a typo>
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Where I live has so many different races and cultures.. it's quite remarkable for a small city of 13,000. I guess French Canadian would be second.. Punjabi and Arabic are common here as well.
as a guess, i would say Lebanese, followed by Vietnamese or Phillipino, then maybe one of the Slavic/Baltic languages

hmmm off to do some research
In L.A.

English 47%
Spanish (only) 35%
Ok well i said i was off to do some reasearch, and i visited the Australia Buerau Of Statistics to find out the results of my suburb from the last census (held in 2001)...

"English was stated as the only language spoken at home by 39255 people (44.8%) in the 2001 Census. This compares with 42213 people (50.1%) in the 1996 Census and 45684 people (54.6%) in the 1991 Census.

The three most common languages spoken at home other than English in the 2001 Census were:

Greek: 8533 (9.7%)
Arabic (including Lebanese): 7319 (8.3%) and;
Chinese languages: 7201 (8.2%).

The three most common languages spoken at home other than English in the 1996 Census were Greek: 8286 (9.8%), Arabic (including Lebanese): 6473 (7.7%) and Chinese languages: 5989 (7.1%). The three most common languages spoken at home other than English in the 1991 Census were Greek: 8419 (10.1%), Arabic (including Lebanese): 5702 (6.8%) and Macedonian: 5188 (6.2%)."