Here goes nothing......:)

What a superb start to a thread!

Hoping there's more to come!
It was suggested that I start a thread to make it easier on a certain person's "lazy inner pervert";). Always one to want to help out my fellow Litsters, here we go;)

A brief name is Curious and I have breasts ;)

I have breasts....understatement of the year. Love em!
It was suggested that I start a thread to make it easier on a certain person's "lazy inner pervert";). Always one to want to help out my fellow Litsters, here we go;)

A brief name is Curious and I have breasts ;)

BeauTiful breasts in a white blouse. Life can't be better...
A fine butt it is too--

Thank you ;). I'm quite attached to it!

Smoking hot!!!

Ssssssizzle!......thanks ;)

A wonderful start. I know you just greatly improved my day! You are beautiful! 😘
I'm always happy to brighten up a fellow Litster's day ;). Thank you!

I love that ass.

:D thanks!

Glad you started your own thread. What an Awesome Ass!!!!

Thank you....I wasn't sure about starting my own thread, but it does make posting easier!

bet you walked around teasingly at home i did

I tend to tease a bit.....not much......a lot ;)

Ohhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyy Yessssss!

Grrrroooowwwwllll!! Thanks, baby!

No you didnt but im glad you cleared that up

Yes, quite often people assume that I don't have a butt, but there it is!

What a superb start to a thread!
Hoping there's more to come!

Thank you! There will indeed be more!

......and a very nice one at that !!
Thank you!!

Yes..... You do have boobs and a butt! Very nice too
Yes, I do. And I thank you for saying that ;)

I have breasts....understatement of the year. Love em!

I don't know about understatement of the year....maybe of the month ;). Thank you!

BeauTiful breasts in a white blouse. Life can't be better...

Life might be better if you could feel how soft yet firm they are, but it's pretty good......;). Thank you!
I'll be heading to bed soon. Can I lay my head down on that beautiful cleavage of yours? ;)
Now, shockingly, in addition to having breasts and a butt, I have another pretty little body part.....I have to be careful here, as the mods seem to like to remove these pics of me ;)
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I think they have more issue when my hands are engaged.....I try to keep it clean, but I am naughty, after all ;)

I would much rather have you naughty ;)

If you host the image on another site, and post the link, the mods will not do anything about it :devil:
I would much rather have you naughty ;)

If you host the image on another site, and post the link, the mods will not do anything about it :devil:

The other site they're hosted on seems to be blacklisted here ;). Too naughty for Lit;). Oh well......I'll just have to take my chance here ;)
The other site they're hosted on seems to be blacklisted here ;). Too naughty for Lit;). Oh well......I'll just have to take my chance here ;)

That's too bad... for us :p

Although I will never complain about you being naughty :devil:
I think we all like the sound of that risk. ;). I know my mouth is watering in anticipation 😍
I got to see it before it disappeared. A few you're right. It's very pretty. There's a part of my body I'd love to introduce it to. ;)
Pretty doesn't do that body part justice, that is GORGEOUS!!!
Now, shockingly, in addition to having breasts and a butt, I have another pretty little body part.....I have to be careful here, as the mods seem to like to remove these pics of me ;)

Now, shockingly, in addition to having breasts and a butt, I have another pretty little body part.....I have to be careful here, as the mods seem to like to remove these pics of me ;)
Mmm...that is a pretty little part... I'd love to give that part a proper tongue lashing
It was suggested that I start a thread to make it easier on a certain person's "lazy inner pervert";). Always one to want to help out my fellow Litsters, here we go;)

A brief name is Curious and I have breasts ;)


While I was not the one to suggest you start a thread, as a sometimes lazy, full- time perv I will benefit immensely from having all of your sexy photos in one location ;).

Great start, Curious, subscribed!