Her Prince (Closed for Musician89)


See you when you sleep.
Aug 10, 2012
Lydia sighed as she tried to prepare herself to be wed. Her heart was pounding so hard, she was sure soon it would jump straight out of her chest. As the daughter of a King, she had no choice but to marry the man she was only just about to meet. War was consuming their land and the only solution was to create a union between her Kingdom and the enemy's. Or atleast that was her father's thought. Her homeland did not have the resources to win this war, they couldn't sacrifice their men.

So here she was. Dressed in beautiful gown, the most beautiful gown she had ever seen, she looked ravishing. Her brunette hair was wrapped into a small, jeweled tiara that sat on top of her head, small curls loose around her face. She couldn't take her eyes off of the door that would soon open and reveal her... her husband. She gasped softly. Husband. That word seems so strange to her. She didn't know this man, how could she be his wife? Wife... she would be his wife. How strange everything seemed to be.

"M'lady? Are you ready?"

"No..." she whispered only loud enough for herself to hear. Sighing she nodded to the usher, letting him know to open the door. Ready or not, I have no choice.

She took a deep breathe as the door opened filling the room with light. She closed her eyes from the assaulting light until they adjusted... when they did she opened them and felt her heart stop.

She was staring at the most beautiful man she had ever seen. This... this man couldn't be her husband and prince of her Kingdom's enemy.

Lydia glanced nervously down at the ground before making eye contact with him. He was unbelievable. When she was told she would marry the prince she imagined some fat lazy slob who was catered on every second of every day. No, this man was lean and toned, and just amazing.

She made her way down the aisle slowly, unsure of her footing. She couldn't look away from him, she felt like she was in some dream or something. Once she was to the end he held out his hand for her. Hesitant, she took a deep breath and placed her own in his.

So once more, he was caught up in the middle of his father's doings. What his father wanted, he received. His father knew going into this plan, that the opposing Kingdom had grown weak, too weak to fight, without loosing everything. So he went for it, expecting an easy achievement. In the end however, the Kingdom had begged for peace, the King himself offering his daughter for marriage, if his father's Kingdom would sign a treaty of peace.

He didn't want to be here, that was for sure. His father was already married and he didn't find it appropriate to have more than one wife. So who came next? Alexander was the next in line for throne, he was his father's successor, and he would be King before too long.

So there he stood, at the end of a long white carpet, black tuxedo framing his body, his hair slightly hanging in his eyes, and his smokey blue eyes fixated on the ceiling, praying that this was all a bad dream. If he had to marry this stranger, he at least hoped that she was gorgeous. If he had to allow her to sleep in his bed, to accompany him, and to be around him every waking hour of the day, she had to be at least slightly attractive.

When the instruments arose and the choir began to sing, he slowly turned to face the door and a smile curved at the edges of his lips. At least she was pretty, things wouldn't be as horrible since he had something good to look at every day. As she began to make her way up the isle, he let his eyes wander her body, taking her appearance in before he held his hand out to her and accompanied her to the front of the hall, his eyes meeting hers once more before focusing on the minister before them.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife..."

There are those words again. Those strange words. She was now his wife. Clearing her throat she turned to face the people of her Kingdom. The people she may never see again since she was to return with him to his land. A unfamiliar place she now had to call home. Walking down back down the aisle with her arm linked through his she felt dizzy.

His wife....

She had this strange feeling like she wasn't prepared for this at all. Like he wasn't as amazing as he may seem. She couldn't shake that feeling as they went to sit on their thrones. It was time for the people to honor them and give them gifts. She tried to smile and focus on her people but she couldn't stop glancing at her husband.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife..."

As the minister announced them as husband and wife, he heard the applause from behind the couple, the cheers, and the music starting up. He held his arm out for her to take and once they were linked, they began back down the aisle. There was so much chatter, murmurs, shocked faces, smiles, and jealous females who had wanted to be his betrothed.

He wasn't really sure how he felt about this yet. But for now, it was all smiling and acting. That's all he could do, really. He had to make them think he was happy with his new wife whom he'd met just ten minutes ago at the alter. Whether she knew it or not, she was now his and once they were back home at the castle, some guidelines would be set to follow.

He could feel her nervous eyes on him as they were seated on their thrones. They were burning holes in his skin as she kept glancing at him through and through. He simply turned and smiled at her before turning to greet his people. They went through the accepting gifts and offerings before they toasted with champagne and the night was set free for the reception.

When all was said and done, he took his bride's arm and they walked out to their carriage. The journey back home wasn't too long, fairly short in fact. They would be approaching the castle within fifteen minutes and the ride there, was fairly quiet. He didn't really have anything to say to her at the moment, and she seemed to welcome with the silence.

Alex briefly wondered where her mind was, what she was thinking about, how she was feeling. But the thought vanished from his mind as the carriage came to a halt and they were escorted out of the carriage and up to the castle's grand entrance. He gave her a brief tour of the castle, pointing out where things were before he lead her up the grand staircase and to the third floor on the west wing. His bedroom. Their bedroom.

With a sigh, he opened the door for her upon approaching his room and then closed the door once they were both inside.

"This is our room now. I'll have my guards take you shopping tomorrow if you want to add some things to make it yours too. I already had your sizes and had this closet filled with clothes for you." He told her softly while showing her the walk-in closet opposite of his. "There's a bathroom right through that door." He pointed. "Shower, hot tub, and anything you need in there. If you're ever hungry, just call down on this phone to the kitchen, and they'll bring you anything you need. And here's the mini fridge stocked of drinks."

"Any questions?" He asked curiously while pulling his shoes and socks off of his feet and loosening his tie.
On their way out she heard some girl giggle and mention faintly "I bet she's in for a treat tonight!" What did she mean? She pondered as she climbed into the carriage next him. She let her mind drift as she tried to determine the meaning behind the comment. When finally it hit her... she was his wife which meant he would expect sex on their wedding night. She felt sick, she knows nothing about this man but she was expected to lay with him? Looking out the window she tried not to think about it. It was hard to clear the image of her laying naked in front of him. He was attactive so she should feel lucky to be with him. But I do not know him!

She watched as her land passed her by and soon she was in his land, the land of a king who wanted to destroy her own. She only hoped this would actually bring any possible wars between them to a halt.

It wasn't long after they arrived at his home and she was taken to the her new room. Their room. Her eyes strayed to the bed. This is where she would sleep now. This is where she would officially be made his. She tried to focus on what he was saying but her mind still drifted back to those thoughts.

"Any questions?" She glanced at him. Honestly she had many but she simply shook her head and tried to act like she wasn't nervous about being here as she sat down on the large plush bed.
Alex finally finished loosening his tie, pulled it from his collar, and sat it on his dresser before practiced hands moved to unbutton the buttons on his shirt. His eyes however, never left her body. He watched as she silently sat on his bed that was big enough for four or more people. He watched the mattress take her form as she sat, his shirt falling free from his body and pooling around on the floor.

Turning his back to her, he looked into his floor-length mirror, watching his lips move in the reflection as he spoke to her once more.

"I know that we've both been forced into this situation like a pair of breeding dogs, but it's not like we can change anything." He said softly, but loud enough for her to hear. "We are betrothed, and you are my wife now. Why not enjoy ourselves a little? I mean, we do have the rest of our lives together."

He smirked slightly at his last line before he turned to face her, his fingers moving to loosen his belt before pulling it off, the object joining the rest of his clothes on the floor before he unbuttoned his dress pants and allowed them to drop as well. Standing there in a pair of tight-fitting black boxers, he simply looked at her with an arched brow.

"What do you say?"
Lydia tried her best to keep her eyes off of him as he undressed. It was hard, he was such a fine man. She felt a little uncomfortable, sitting in his bed. She glanced at his face as he spoke, unsure how to respond.

She felt confused, lost. It wasn't the first time she had been in a man's bed, but it was the strangest time. She knew her first lover, he was a member of court. Not some random man she had just met. Just married. She cleared her throat softly, her voice small. "I suppose so..." She stood slowly glancing around the room. She felt nervous as she pulled the combs from her hair, letting it fall in curls down her back before moving her hands to unlace her dress.

She stopped for a moment as she turned to face him. "I don't suppose, you've purchased me night clothes?"
Alex grinned at the slightly stunned expression on his new wife's face. He may not be happy about the marriage, but he was certainly excited about this night with her. Of course he expected to claim her in this night, their wedding night. And if it was good, he may even take her away for their honeymoon. Why not? Get to know her a little bit, somewhere warm with bathing suits and trying to act like normal people. It would be an escape, for both of them.

When she agreed, he hoped she knew what she was agreeing to. He watched her from a distance as she pulled the combs from her hair, the dark locks falling in twisted locks of chocolate to her lower back, his tongue passing over his lips as he watched. He had always had a fascination and had taken an interest in women with longer hair.

As she turned toward him, her dress hanging loose as she had unfastened it, she asked for night clothes, and a devilish grin took hold on his plump lips. He crossed the rooms and nodded his head, his eyes alight with desire and excitement.

"Oh yes, I have purchased night clothes for you, but you won't be needing them tonight dear." He whispered into her ear as he moved her hands away from the small fastening of her dress. He took the loosening material in his hands and began to pull it away from her body, pushing it down her limbs as it fell into a pile at her feet, revealing her in her white bra and panties, his member certainly awakening to the sight as he bit his bottom lip with a grin.

"So far, so good."