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Is "butties" really just any old sandwich? Mustn't it have butter on it?
Is "butties" really just any old sandwich? Mustn't it have butter on it?
No. It's (a butty) usually a fat substantial sandwich as might be eaten by a workman as lunch. It derives from the word 'butt' meaning friend (as something you'd share with your mate). Butt to mean friend is very regional now (mostly Welsh), but crossed the Atlantic and morphed into 'buddy'.

Bread products change names every few miles.

The whole list is so narrowly correct as to be useless.
no. If it has butter it's a bap. Unless it's in sliced bread in which case it's just a fucking sandwich no matter what they fucking call it.
No! A bap is a round bread item which may be filled and be identical to a butty (a bacon bap, bacon roll and bacon butty will look the same depending on where in the country you are, but they won't always have butter in), and butties or filled rolls/bap/breadcakes/batches/cobs etc are a subset of sandwiches.

If it's in thin sliced bread then yes, it's a sandwich and usually called a sandwich, but a big fat one may be a butty.

Not that the Yanks can talk, with their subs and po'boys and hoagies and all. Not to mention a 'footlong' that's actually only 11 inches. Insert reference there to sexual disappointment...
No! A bap is a round bread item which may be filled and be identical to a butty (a bacon bap, bacon roll and bacon butty will look the same depending on where in the country you are, but they won't always have butter in), and butties or filled rolls/bap/breadcakes/batches/cobs etc are a subset of sandwiches.

If it's in thin sliced bread then yes, it's a sandwich and usually called a sandwich, but a big fat one may be a butty.

Not that the Yanks can talk, with their subs and po'boys and hoagies and all. Not to mention a 'footlong' that's actually only 11 inches. Insert reference there to sexual disappointment...
And you lot think Aussies are weird. 🙄