
under where

Really Experienced
Dec 6, 2002
Okay- I really need your advice. I'm thinking about dying my hair. It used to be this dirty sort of dish-water blonde but over the years it's gotten fairly dark and may even be considered more of a light brown now. I really want to dye my hair black but I'm a bit unsure. I'm fairly pale, but I believe it will make one of my best features stand out; my eyes which are gray-blue. Any comments or suggestions?
I say go a nice deep black. I think that looks so sexy on the ladies. Makes their eyes and eye lashes stand out alot more as you said. Works even better if you have pale skin. If you do do this, I want pics!
Speaking as someone with naturally black hair and green eyes I would agree BUT dyed black hair tends to look just like that "dyed black hair"...consider going a very dark rich brunette perhaps...just my humble opion though :p
I would suggest htat such a drastic change should be done by a beautician and not a bottle.

But black hair and blue eyes is awesome!

Romial said:
I say go a nice deep black. I think that looks so sexy on the ladies. Makes their eyes and eye lashes stand out alot more as you said. Works even better if you have pale skin. If you do do this, I want pics!
Thanks- that makes me feel a whole lot better about this and pictures are promised. Remind me if I forget because this might be happening tomorrow night.
under where said:
Thanks- that makes me feel a whole lot better about this and pictures are promised. Remind me if I forget because this might be happening tomorrow night.

I'll send ya PM tomorrow or Saturday then. :)

But trust me, if you do it a nice deep nighttime black where you can't see anything...that'll look sooooo good.
MissTaken said:
I would suggest htat such a drastic change should be done by a beautician and not a bottle.

But black hair and blue eyes is awesome!

I lack the money for such a thing. I went with Feria's Starry Night. It came highly recommended and the person who is doing it has been dying his own hair, along with other's, black for quite a while. [ He has a habit of coloring his girlfriend's hair black, so, having formerly dated him, I thought why not get him to do it. ] I trust him and if anything goes wrong, I'll just break down and fork out the cash in the salon to get it fixed.