


Okay, here's the deal. I have 3 day's to get a bit of Valium out of my system, because I have a test coming up here on Friday! Saturday night I enjoyed some at a club, then found out Sunday I will have a drug test :( I have drank nothing but water, cranberry juice, and vodka (well, at least tonight with the vodka). I'm worried that it will show up. Any help from all the literoticans out there to help me out? Any reply's would be great, and I appreaciate everything. Thanks!
Try this

Go to the Lit thread entitled "Borrowing Urine for Drug Tests".

The variety of samples is mind-boggling and to think these people just give it away for the askin'.
If it is just a typical drug test that is work related.. they very rarely test for pharmaceutical drugs. Usually just drugs of abuse.

Valium is not considered a drug of abuse, and you should be able to list it under "current med's taken" on the form with no questions asked. UNLESS.. your company suspects that people are sharing and abusing valium, then they may specifically test for it.

Again.. Valium IS NOT a drug that is commonly tested for, so you should have no worries. Alcohol, however, IS!

Re: Try this

hogjack said:
Go to the Lit thread entitled "Borrowing Urine for Drug Tests".

The variety of samples is mind-boggling and to think these people just give it away for the askin'.

Uh careful who you borrow from! There was a case of a guy taking a drug test for preemployment verification, and borrowed urine from a woman.....when the results came back, they told him HE was pregnant! LOL....Yes, it really did happen at the company I worked for at the time. It was hard for him to explain that one any other way than what really happened!
Re: Re: Try this

Noneyabizness said:

Uh careful who you borrow from! There was a case of a guy taking a drug test for preemployment verification, and borrowed urine from a woman.....when the results came back, they told him HE was pregnant! LOL....Yes, it really did happen at the company I worked for at the time. It was hard for him to explain that one any other way than what really happened!

I think that is an urban legend.. we have all heard it.

They don't normally test drug screen urines for pregnancy... and it would be difficult to borrow someone's urine.. simply because it has to be kept at body temp... all urines are checked w/in a minute or so for color, temp. as it is being sealed. If it is below 98, you will have to take another one. It CAN be done, but yuck.
The only thing I´ve ever heard of that´s supposed to get drugs out of your body quickly is vitamins loads and loads of vitamins. But I really wouldnt know for sure.

Re: Re: Re: Try this

capricious_chic said:

... and it would be difficult to borrow someone's urine.. simply because it has to be kept at body temp... all urines are checked w/in a minute or so for color, temp. as it is being sealed. If it is below 98, you will have to take another one. It CAN be done, but yuck.

I know there are ways to beat a simple UA test. I've seen alot of pot smoking kids drinking lots of Cranberry juice, and I mean lots. I think this can fool a simple dip the stick in the urine test. I have also been told of having a person who is clean urinate into a condom, then taking the condom and taping it to your leg so it stays warm. When you are asked to fill the cup, you empty the contents of the condom. I have also heard of desperate people using a cathator (sp?) to have clean urine put into your bladder.

I don't endorse any of these...infact I'm very much against people cheating. I just list this as things that I know others do. As said earlier though, I don't think Valium is something that is normally tested for.