

Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
For the past few minutes, every time I try to open a new lit page, I get a new browser window!


With all the reading and posting I do, this could really suck!

Any ideas????
check and make sure that you haven't set to open a new page in a new should be in the internet options in the tools on your top taskbar. under advanced settings...

that is what happened to me a while back...
Native Alien said:
check and make sure that you haven't set to open a new page in a new should be in the internet options in the tools on your top taskbar. under advanced settings...

that is what happened to me a while back...

The setting there is "Reuse windows for shortcuts" and should be checked.

If that doesn't fix you problem, open My Documents and go to View/Folder Options

Click on the File Types tab

Find Microsft MTML Document 5.0 (or whatever name it gives *.HTM files.)

Click the Edit button and Check that OPEN is NOT the default action. (Not displayed in BOLD)

If it is, find the entry for "Open in the same window," highlight it and click the "Set Default" button to make HTM files reuse the same explorer window if IE is already open.
thanks WH, (hope you don't mind that i call you that).

and yea that is what i was trying to say. I just did it the way that i deal with mine.