I have been lucky enough to have Literotica publish one novelette and one short story. I have another piece, this one getting into novella territory, in review.
My first piece of writing is in moderation hell. I get feedback, try to address that, resubmit, get different feedback, try to address that as well, then get the first feedback again.
I think my original sin was that a clumsily-worded sentence suggested that the protagonist - who is 18 and 4 days when the story starts - had been masturbating for some time. This was unintentional and fixed.
Next it was that she was an underage girl posing as 18. I didn’t really agree as she was clearly stated multiple times to be 18, but (as many actual 18 year olds are) skinny, a bit flat-chested and worried about how others saw her. In her mind, she feels everyone thinks she is still a little girl. It’s a motivating factor.
So that got pinged and I toned things down. Now that area is not really any different to the pieces I got published (the published pieces are about the same girl, described in the same way, one piece when she was still 18, one when she was 19).
Then I got a spell-check ping. I’m British, but am writing about Americans for reasons I won’t bore you with. I thought great, change a few ‘s’s to ‘z’s and Mildred is your Auntie.
But then I got a boilerplate age play reply. Given no one ever claims to be other than their age, I was confused. The protagonist says she is worried she looks young for her age, her father calls her little one (I know people who do that to their 40 year old offspring) and so on. One character teases the protagonist about looking young, but there is no “Daddy please change my diaper” or similar.
There is a section where the protagonist puts on her old school uniform. But it is full of references to how she has to adapt it to fit (and some things don’t fit her). Then I thought, is uniform sex not allowed. Surely not? I think I may have made the mistake (I’m a foreigner) of referring to grade rather than high school, but that is easy to fix.
I have tried approaching volunteer editors - six I believe - only one replied and they said they couldn’t help.
I have tried asking for more specific feedback at the start of the text, but that seems to have stopped being acted on.
I have also stated that I want to publish this origin story and will amend whatever is required. I just don’t seem to be able to get a straight answer as to what the problem is now.
Anyone beeen through something similar and can offer some advice.
I’m new round here.
UPDATE: This is what my protagonist looks like (well sometimes)

UPDATE 2: Now published
I have been lucky enough to have Literotica publish one novelette and one short story. I have another piece, this one getting into novella territory, in review.
My first piece of writing is in moderation hell. I get feedback, try to address that, resubmit, get different feedback, try to address that as well, then get the first feedback again.
I think my original sin was that a clumsily-worded sentence suggested that the protagonist - who is 18 and 4 days when the story starts - had been masturbating for some time. This was unintentional and fixed.
Next it was that she was an underage girl posing as 18. I didn’t really agree as she was clearly stated multiple times to be 18, but (as many actual 18 year olds are) skinny, a bit flat-chested and worried about how others saw her. In her mind, she feels everyone thinks she is still a little girl. It’s a motivating factor.
So that got pinged and I toned things down. Now that area is not really any different to the pieces I got published (the published pieces are about the same girl, described in the same way, one piece when she was still 18, one when she was 19).
Then I got a spell-check ping. I’m British, but am writing about Americans for reasons I won’t bore you with. I thought great, change a few ‘s’s to ‘z’s and Mildred is your Auntie.
But then I got a boilerplate age play reply. Given no one ever claims to be other than their age, I was confused. The protagonist says she is worried she looks young for her age, her father calls her little one (I know people who do that to their 40 year old offspring) and so on. One character teases the protagonist about looking young, but there is no “Daddy please change my diaper” or similar.
There is a section where the protagonist puts on her old school uniform. But it is full of references to how she has to adapt it to fit (and some things don’t fit her). Then I thought, is uniform sex not allowed. Surely not? I think I may have made the mistake (I’m a foreigner) of referring to grade rather than high school, but that is easy to fix.
I have tried approaching volunteer editors - six I believe - only one replied and they said they couldn’t help.
I have tried asking for more specific feedback at the start of the text, but that seems to have stopped being acted on.
I have also stated that I want to publish this origin story and will amend whatever is required. I just don’t seem to be able to get a straight answer as to what the problem is now.
Anyone beeen through something similar and can offer some advice.
I’m new round here.
UPDATE: This is what my protagonist looks like (well sometimes)

UPDATE 2: Now published
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