Help with moderation and age play




I have been lucky enough to have Literotica publish one novelette and one short story. I have another piece, this one getting into novella territory, in review.


My first piece of writing is in moderation hell. I get feedback, try to address that, resubmit, get different feedback, try to address that as well, then get the first feedback again.

I think my original sin was that a clumsily-worded sentence suggested that the protagonist - who is 18 and 4 days when the story starts - had been masturbating for some time. This was unintentional and fixed.

Next it was that she was an underage girl posing as 18. I didn’t really agree as she was clearly stated multiple times to be 18, but (as many actual 18 year olds are) skinny, a bit flat-chested and worried about how others saw her. In her mind, she feels everyone thinks she is still a little girl. It’s a motivating factor.

So that got pinged and I toned things down. Now that area is not really any different to the pieces I got published (the published pieces are about the same girl, described in the same way, one piece when she was still 18, one when she was 19).

Then I got a spell-check ping. I’m British, but am writing about Americans for reasons I won’t bore you with. I thought great, change a few ‘s’s to ‘z’s and Mildred is your Auntie.

But then I got a boilerplate age play reply. Given no one ever claims to be other than their age, I was confused. The protagonist says she is worried she looks young for her age, her father calls her little one (I know people who do that to their 40 year old offspring) and so on. One character teases the protagonist about looking young, but there is no “Daddy please change my diaper” or similar.

There is a section where the protagonist puts on her old school uniform. But it is full of references to how she has to adapt it to fit (and some things don’t fit her). Then I thought, is uniform sex not allowed. Surely not? I think I may have made the mistake (I’m a foreigner) of referring to grade rather than high school, but that is easy to fix.

I have tried approaching volunteer editors - six I believe - only one replied and they said they couldn’t help.

I have tried asking for more specific feedback at the start of the text, but that seems to have stopped being acted on.

I have also stated that I want to publish this origin story and will amend whatever is required. I just don’t seem to be able to get a straight answer as to what the problem is now.

Anyone beeen through something similar and can offer some advice.

I’m new round here.


UPDATE: This is what my protagonist looks like (well sometimes)

UPDATE 2: Now published :)
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Meant to add - I also tried to contact Literotica on this - no reply. I guess that was a bad idea.
Not trying to be snarky, but if you want it published go to another site. This site is a joke when it comes to things like this. You won't have a problem at LS or SOL. If you don't know what those abbreviations mean PM me, and I'll let you know.

Its not worth the headaches here to deal with this sites deliberately confusing, inconsistent, and ultimately disingenuous bullshit when it comes to things like this
Not trying to be snarky, but if you want it published go to another site. This site is a joke when it comes to things like this. You won't have a problem at LS or SOL. If you don't know what those abbreviations mean PM me, and I'll let you know.

Its not worth the headaches here to deal with this sites deliberately confusing, inconsistent, and ultimately disingenuous bullshit when it comes to things like this
Thanks for the reply.

You got to the heart of it. Inconsistency.

Actually one early - non-boilerplate - reply said “we allow age play if…” and then the boilerplate one said “in no circumstances do we ever allow…”

My head is spinning a bit :-(.
Find other threads about age play (there was one recently), and read those.

It's not a matter of inconsistency, it's more like you're flogging a dead horse. From what you've told us in your opening post, you're methodically covering off every side of the line with your content and then some. Even your avatar is pushing the line - it's not subtle. Perhaps Literotica isn't the right place for this story.
I did read several - my point is that there is no age play in the story.

As to your argument, Literotica has published two of my stories about exactly the same character. I’m trying to work out what is different and coming up blank.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback - I wasn’t aware I was so methodical. I’ll bear that in mind.
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From my experience with LIT, if a story even admits that children or teens exist somewhere, it gets looked at much more closely. The more questionable things you include (skinny, short, virgin, still in school) the more likely it will be rejected. Stating a character is '18' is EXTREMELY suspicious to the editor. You may as well go to a police station and loudly announce, 'No, I don't have any guns or drugs in my pockets'. Innocent or not, you'll get LOTS of unhappy attention. Save yourself some headaches and only post questionable items on other sites.
The rules are simple enough but you've tried to circumvent them by hinting at how your protagonist looks younger, is flat-chested, wears her school uniform and has a father who still regards her as his little girl. Any and all of those things plants the seed that 'nudge nudge' she's 18 but we all know what's been said, right?

Well no. Not right.

Society is becoming less tolerant and is increasingly reliant on knee-jerk sound-bite judgements in the media so anything even hinting under age could be a lawyers bread and butter if some self-righteous asshole decides to bring a case. Lit management may have decided to make a show of responsibility by actively policing against stories that sail too close to the wind. Plus there is more than one editor making decisions, probably on a rota basis.

Don't bother appealing to Lit - it's doubtful you'll get a reply. Just cut out the content you already know is questionable.
In the 19th century, you were an adult at 14, you were finished with schooling (for the most part), and were expected to help earn money if you lived at home. Mariage at 14 wasn't uncommon. Girls as young as 12 were routinely married to people their age, near their age, somewhat older, or massively older. Many times they were arranged, and marriages to strengthen bonds between business partners, or to acquire property in exchange. I'm not saying any of this was right. Certainly, it isn't considered so nowadays. Were this a nonerotic-centric sight, writing about such as a plot element would be allowed. However, this is a titillation website and, as such, has set the rules, however vague, as they are.
The rules are simple enough but you've tried to circumvent them by hinting at how your protagonist looks younger, is flat-chested, wears her school uniform and has a father who still regards her as his little girl. Any and all of those things plants the seed that 'nudge nudge' she's 18 but we all know what's been said, right?

Well no. Not right.

Society is becoming less tolerant and is increasingly reliant on knee-jerk sound-bite judgements in the media so anything even hinting under age could be a lawyers bread and butter if some self-righteous asshole decides to bring a case. Lit management may have decided to make a show of responsibility by actively policing against stories that sail too close to the wind. Plus there is more than one editor making decisions, probably on a rota basis.

Don't bother appealing to Lit - it's doubtful you'll get a reply. Just cut out the content you already know is questionable.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

From your tone, you don’t seem awfully approving of my work. Your prerogative of course.

A question for you…

Which is more realistic a representation of an actual 18 year old.

A. Flawless skin, luxuriant hair, full lips, a tiny waist, pneumatic ass, not an ounce of fat and 36D breasts

B. Freckled skin, annoying hair, lips not really commented on (my bad), tiny waist - consistent with an overall slight frame, a little pudgy here and there, flat chested

It seems to me odd that the first is perfectly OK, but that the second is perving over little girls. 18 year olds have a range of body shapes including the one my protagonist has. FFS I know 30+ year olds with that body type (who also like wearing school uniform). It’s not unrealistic (for porn anyway, we are not looking at great literature here). Actually A is pretty unrealistic IMO. I have never met an A, have met several Bs. Some were OK with their looks, some not so much.

The main motivation for the protagonist is that she feels uncomfortable that she is not like A, but then learns that she can still be beautiful / sexy. In what way is that a bad thing?

She is a freshman at college, her age is explicitly stated more than once. Her classmates are all 18+. She never speaks like a DD/LG proxy. She’s 18. So is it just her body type that you object to? Should I have gone for A instead?

Honest questions.
In the 19th century, you were an adult at 14, you were finished with schooling (for the most part), and were expected to help earn money if you lived at home. Mariage at 14 wasn't uncommon. Girls as young as 12 were routinely married to people their age, near their age, somewhat older, or massively older. Many times they were arranged, and marriages to strengthen bonds between business partners, or to acquire property in exchange. I'm not saying any of this was right. Certainly, it isn't considered so nowadays. Were this a nonerotic-centric sight, writing about such as a plot element would be allowed. However, this is a titillation website and, as such, has set the rules, however vague, as they are.

And all to the good say I.

But my point is that there are 18 year olds (and 30 year olds) who are skinny and flat-chested (my first wife was exactly like that). So long as their age is made clear, why can they not be sexy, why can they not be in porn? Are they not people too?

Are only girls with big breasts and big asses allowed?

Why is it OK to have Barbie-clone protagonists, but to disallow an actual real body type?
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From my experience with LIT, if a story even admits that children or teens exist somewhere, it gets looked at much more closely. The more questionable things you include (skinny, short, virgin, still in school) the more likely it will be rejected. Stating a character is '18' is EXTREMELY suspicious to the editor. You may as well go to a police station and loudly announce, 'No, I don't have any guns or drugs in my pockets'. Innocent or not, you'll get LOTS of unhappy attention. Save yourself some headaches and only post questionable items on other sites.

I have read many pieces on Quora where one or more protagonist is a college freshman, or just left for college, or back for a first spring break, guess what age that makes them likely to be?

Rather than leave it open to interpretation and as my protagonist is writing a diary - I was explicit about her age.

I get the sensitivity, but people seem to read in intent that is not there. Risk aversion I guess.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

From your tone, you don’t seem awfully approving of my work. Your prerogative of course.

A question for you…

Which is more realistic a representation of an actual 18 year old.

A. Flawless skin, luxuriant hair, full lips, a tiny waist, pneumatic ass, not an ounce of fat and 36D breasts

B. Freckled skin, annoying hair, lips not really commented on (my bad), tiny waist - consistent with an overall slight frame, a little pudgy here and there, flat chested

It seems to me odd that the first is perfectly OK, but that the second is perving over little girls. 18 year olds have a range of body shapes including the one my protagonist has. FFS I know 30+ year olds with that body type (who also like wearing school uniform). It’s not unrealistic (for porn anyway, we are not looking at great literature here). Actually A is pretty unrealistic IMO. I have never met an A, have met several Bs. Some were OK with their looks, some not so much.

The main motivation for the protagonist is that she feels uncomfortable that she is not like A, but then learns that she can still be beautiful / sexy. In what way is that a bad thing?

She is a freshman at college, her age is explicitly stated more than once. Her classmates are all 18+. She never speaks like a DD/LG proxy. She’s 18. So is it just her body type that you object to? Should I have gone for A instead?

Honest questions.

Sorry - and another thing - a story with the exact same protagonist, at the exact same age (actually plus 2-3 months), with the exact same physical characteristics has been published fine by Literotica. As has another when she is a year older (19) and still has the same characteristics.
Sorry - and another thing - a story with the exact same protagonist, at the exact same age (actually plus 2-3 months), with the exact same physical characteristics has been published fine by Literotica. As has another when she is a year older (19) and still has the same characteristics.
It is on a case-by-case basis. If the moderator thinks you are skirting the age issue, they kick it. If it is presented in the right way, according to them, it won't be.
But the moderator doesn't follow your series. She checks for things she considers rule violations. You can give her the information you are giving us in a PM or in the notes area and repost it.
My latest story, published here, features a number of 18 year old male characters, and two 18 year old female characters towards the end of the story. I was very conscious of the Literotica "under 18 years of age rule" when I was writing the story. I spent a lot of time thinking about how the story would be analyzed and perceived by Laurel and any story analysis software or programs she may use when assessing stories for publication here. The 35,000 word story I finally submitted went through more than a dozen separate re-writes and thinking about the "under 18" rule was certainly a factor in the way I went about my re-writes. Thankfully my story passed first go and went up on Literotica without any issues. I really appreciate having a place like this to submit my stories so I'm very happy to follow any rules the site requires.
Again, I understand the frustration of not being able to put something in a story you could read on your average news feed.
OTOH, the more I read the protestations of the OP, the more I have the idea that their frustration is not about that, but very much about not being allowed to write about waifish barely legal teens (wink wink).
And that big tits at young age are some anomaly? My family is at least in parts a contradiction of that. My niece got quite the knockers from a fairly early age and on my wife's side, well big tits are basically a family trait. I've seen fourteen year olds with well at least D-cup tits, if not F-cup tits.
Again, I understand the frustration of not being able to put something in a story you could read on your average news feed.
OTOH, the more I read the protestations of the OP, the more I have the idea that their frustration is not about that, but very much about not being allowed to write about waifish barely legal teens (wink wink).
And that big tits at young age are some anomaly? My family is at least in parts a contradiction of that. My niece got quite the knockers from a fairly early age and on my wife's side, well big tits are basically a family trait. I've seen fourteen year olds with well at least D-cup tits, if not F-cup tits.
I think you are putting two and together and getting ten. You haven’t read the piece so this is at best supposition on your behalf.

Here is a story about the same girl:

Judge based on that.
Forgive me for not wanting to read a story of an eighteen year old being fucked by her daddy as I am the father of an eighteen year old
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

From your tone, you don’t seem awfully approving of my work. Your prerogative of course.

A question for you…

Which is more realistic a representation of an actual 18 year old.

A. Flawless skin, luxuriant hair, full lips, a tiny waist, pneumatic ass, not an ounce of fat and 36D breasts

B. Freckled skin, annoying hair, lips not really commented on (my bad), tiny waist - consistent with an overall slight frame, a little pudgy here and there, flat chested

It seems to me odd that the first is perfectly OK, but that the second is perving over little girls. 18 year olds have a range of body shapes including the one my protagonist has. FFS I know 30+ year olds with that body type (who also like wearing school uniform). It’s not unrealistic (for porn anyway, we are not looking at great literature here). Actually A is pretty unrealistic IMO. I have never met an A, have met several Bs. Some were OK with their looks, some not so much.

The main motivation for the protagonist is that she feels uncomfortable that she is not like A, but then learns that she can still be beautiful / sexy. In what way is that a bad thing?

She is a freshman at college, her age is explicitly stated more than once. Her classmates are all 18+. She never speaks like a DD/LG proxy. She’s 18. So is it just her body type that you object to? Should I have gone for A instead?

Honest questions.
My tone isn't directed as a criticism of your work but because this isn't the first time that an author has posted in AH, annoyed that their story, in which the girl 'is definitely over 18 because I mentioned it', is rejected. I appreciate your frustration but try to see the reasoning through Lit's eyes.

I've answered your A, B, C in your other thread.
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this is a titillation website and, as such, has set the rules, however vague, as they are.
They're not vague, they're precise - no sexual content involving any character under eighteen.

The OP's issue is repeated knock backs of his story for possibly breaching this rule with depiction of a "young" (under age) character. So, despite the age disclaimers and despite the irrelevant argument that a story with the same character has been published, there's something in the current story that would appear to raising the flags.

It's this story that's on the table, and the OP's other posts about body sizes and so on are also irrelevant - he needs to address the current submission and change something in the content, if he wants it published. Everything else is a waste of time.
They're not vague, they're precise - no sexual content involving any character under eighteen.

The OP's issue is repeated knock backs of his story for possibly breaching this rule with depiction of a "young" (under age) character. So, despite the age disclaimers and despite the irrelevant argument that a story with the same character has been published, there's something in the current story that would appear to raising the flags.

It's this story that's on the table, and the OP's other posts about body sizes and so on are also irrelevant - he needs to address the current submission and change something in the content, if he wants it published. Everything else is a waste of time.
I wasn't arguing about that, I was referring to the emails that come in with the "vague" statement age violation. There is no explanation of how the age restriction has been violated. I had a story with an age set at 21 for a character, it was repeated in conversation several times. However, it was rejected because of age issues. And the comment was on there was an age violation. In one bit of dialog, my personal issue of dyslexia popped up and 21 read correct to my eyes, but to everyone else said 12. It took me forever to find what they were talking about. A simple you have a 12 year old, or for me even better a twelve year old mention in the story. I would have known it was one of the places age entered the age. While the there is a specific guideline there is an inconstancy in the application of the rule. There are stories here, where a disclaimer at the beginning that characters are over the age of 18, doesn't negate the feeling they aren't over 18.
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