Help that fucking rancid cunt G.R. get to 100 so the dumb piece of shit can....


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
beg you all to pick out an av for her.

Even if she does smell.

islandman has it...

Just stare at the tits.

The answer is in the tits.

But really, I refuse to get to 100 on useless sexual babble.

I want to talk about something much more applicable than just titilating my clit. Let's discuss..

The immuneo stimulating benifits of drinking breast milk??
I have managed to post .16 of a post per day to literotica.

That is amazing. Posting by metered diffusion is rad.
Re: Re: islandman has it...

islandman said:
*hands G.R. a dictionary*

Good luck!

I know I am a poor speller but how is the dictionary going to help me with something like this?

Do you mean encyclopedia?
Re: Re: Re: islandman has it...

G.R. said:
I know I am a poor speller but how is the dictionary going to help me with something like this?

Do you mean encyclopedia?

G.R. said:
I have managed to post .16 of a post per day to literotica.

That is amazing. Posting by metered diffusion is rad.

I hope you didn't strain yourself ;)

Not much further to go
So islandman, I misspelled titillating, benefits, and immuno-stimulating.

Anything else you'd like to point out?
And what exactly is your point?

I am going back and forth posting between two names, and I type faster than I think.

What is your point in coming in here an alienating me over this?
I really doubt you realize what an ass you are, but hey, it is something the dictionary can't help you with so forget about it.
G.R. said:
So islandman, I misspelled titillating, benefits, and immuno-stimulating.

Anything else you'd like to point out?
And what exactly is your point?

I am going back and forth posting between two names, and I type faster than I think.

What is your point in coming in here an alienating me over this?
I really doubt you realize what an ass you are, but hey, it is something the dictionary can't help you with so forget about it. are such the flirt!

Welcome to lit. Posting under two names? How deliciously cowardly, or is for medical reasons? Schizophrenia perhaps?

islandman said:
and just how did you arrive at this nugget of knowledge?

You are not privy to that information.
Take your tiring ass elsewhere.
I take full responsibility for the above post.

I am trolling and I like it.

Now fuck off.
Its times like these when a dictionary comes in handy.

Unregistered said:
You are not privy to that information.
Take your tiring ass elsewhere.


Main Entry: cow·ard
Pronunciation: 'kau(-&)rd
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French coart, from coe tail, from Latin cauda
Date: 13th century
: one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity
- coward adjective
Starfish said:
I take full responsibility for the above post.

I am trolling and I like it.

Now fuck off.

I don't recall asking your sorry ass. But perhaps you're too bored with your own life and decided to take this one upon yourself?

If so, good job.

I'm off for home. Chat ya on the flip side. :rolleyes: