HELP!...older woman/coworker

Mar 6, 2000
ok. i'm 23, male. she's 34, married and has 4 kids. i do know for a fact she cheated on her husband once before. we flirt hardcore a lot. every day we work together it's constant. my question/need for advice is, how do i get her to go one step farther. i dont think i could just ask her. i only want one nite, hell, ever a few hours with this hot sexy lady. any ideas?
I would suggest broaching the topic of having sex w/a co-worker.. and her thoughts on that, doesn't necessarily have to be in reference to the two of you.. but it will give you an idea if she is being fairly serious when she is flirting. Many companies have a policy about co-workers dating, you might brush up on that as well. Many companies would fire a married co-worker that was caught having a fling. My company has.

I flirt "hard core" with several of my male co-workers, but in all honesty.. at the end of the day, I would never persue it any further. It is simply a fun way to pass the day, and make the work day go faster.

I would be careful that she is considering this as seriously as you.. if you do approach her and she is "just flirting", then it could make for a very uncomfortable work environment for you both.

I would never entertain thoughts of having sex with anyone that I worked with.. been there, done that.. always a bad situation in the end. The only people that I know that this has worked well for.. ended up dating and getting married. Casual flings just don't belong in the work place..JMHO.

Good luck.. proceed carefully.

Think sexual harassment if she doesnt want to go any further.

I'd chill with the flirting for a day and ask her if she wants to go any further.

If the answers no,then flirt and be happy.

If the answers yes,I still wouldnt do it. Its too easy to claim harrasssment these days.
The sheer fact that the lady's got 4 kids and married's enough of a CEASE & DESIST order right there. Those few moments of passion (& I don't care if sparks come outta your ass from the hot sex) aren't worth the pain & agony her husband can cause you.

And put yourself in her kids' shoes- "EWWWWW...Mommy slept around on daddy! Is my mommy a slut now? What are the other kids gonna think?"

There isn't a person out there that's worth that kind of passion. Your few moments of passion are based on sheer selfishness. Get over it and don't screw over her family. There's a bigger picture to this.:mad: