Help me out, y'all.

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
I'm seriously considering relocating. I've never lived anywhere but in this aea of the country though. I'd love to move further south.

I need a few acres for the horses, and a couple of bedrooms. Those are about my only requirements. A sleeping porch and a fireplace would be really nice additions though.

I'm searching right now, but I need ideas on places to search.

What's your part of the country like? Cost of living? Sense of community? Schools? Job availability?
Well durn it.......I'm not south....:( I guess next door won't work......;)
Im in northern New England (for now)

its wide open, cheap, beautiful.

a little cold right now but summers, fall...

april-wine said:
Well durn it.......I'm not south....:( I guess next door won't work......;)

For you, I'd give up the South. ;)

eagleyez... I've thought about NE, but y'all talk funny. :p
pagancowgirl said:
I'm seriously considering relocating. I've never lived anywhere but in this aea of the country though. I'd love to move further south.

I need a few acres for the horses, and a couple of bedrooms. Those are about my only requirements. A sleeping porch and a fireplace would be really nice additions though.

I'm searching right now, but I need ideas on places to search.

What's your part of the country like? Cost of living? Sense of community? Schools? Job availability?

I like where I live
this is home to me
though I have lived ina number of major cites and in most parts of north America.

We have twin bays .... the weather has seasons to it .... it is rural yet not rural .... a national part as well as local parks ... an international music school and and and ...

Cum check it out ....
pagancowgirl said:
For you, I'd give up the South. ;)

eagleyez... I've thought about NE, but y'all talk funny. :p

ya mean like "Paak the cah.."

not me,

im y'allin with the best of em up here...

im a wierd hybrid SF meets Deep South now way North...

just gotta try the midwest and im universal...:p
pagancowgirl said:
For you, I'd give up the South. ;)

eagleyez... I've thought about NE, but y'all talk funny. :p

Yeah. Who'd give up twisters for that?:p
They're more exhilarating than a roller coasters, but they cost a little more, too.
pagancowgirl said:
I'm seriously considering relocating. I've never lived anywhere but in this aea of the country though. I'd love to move further south.

I need a few acres for the horses, and a couple of bedrooms. Those are about my only requirements. A sleeping porch and a fireplace would be really nice additions though.

I'm searching right now, but I need ideas on places to search.

What's your part of the country like? Cost of living? Sense of community? Schools? Job availability?

Where are you now?

I've been living in VA for 3 years now, i'm in Richmond, but my in-laws live out in the country about an hours drive away from us and out there, realestate is SUPER cheep. Perhaps something to look into? Only problem would be that your best chances for a job are in Richmond, that's long drive (at least in my opinion), although my sister-in-law makes the drive everyday... me personally? I would never want to live that far away from where I work.

Ya know, i've lived in East Central Kansas or Western Missouri almost all of my life. I've never seen a tornado.
new york

i'm a realtor in the mid-hudson valley of new york
if you decide to head this way
I'm way south, its beautiful here, the cost of living is great, winters are mild, summers are hot but the job situation is not good at all.
Re: Re: Help me out, y'all.

bondagegurl said:
Where are you now?

Near Kansas City

I've been living in VA for 3 years now, i'm in Richmond, but my in-laws live out in the country about an hours drive away from us and out there, realestate is SUPER cheep.

What's considered super cheap out there? Right now, I have a 5 bedroom, 2 bath house on 3 acres with a couple of barns, a pond and 3 car garage. We paid about $112,000 for it.

Perhaps something to look into? Only problem would be that your best chances for a job are in Richmond, that's long drive (at least in my opinion), although my sister-in-law makes the drive everyday... me personally? I would never want to live that far away from where I work.

If it's the difference between having my horses at my house and having to keep them somewhere else so I didn't have to commute as far, I'd take teh long ass drive.
I guess if you're looking for a place, I'd ask you were have you vacationed that you'd prefer to live.

I think good jobs & cheap real estate don't usually go together.

I hear Utah is big on family & community, just not on liberals.
Alaska has lots of men , but no spiders.

Maybe there's someplace in Nevada that suits your purposes.
willowshadow I love you and dream of only you.

Je veux passer le reste de ma vie vous aimant. vous êtes mon soulmate mon amour
patient1 said:
I guess if you're looking for a place, I'd ask you were have you vacationed that you'd prefer to live.

Louisiana or South Dakota. Unfortunately, I didn't notice a whole lot of pasture land in LA and there's no economy to speak of in SD.

I think good jobs & cheap real estate don't usually go together.

This is true. But I'm not seeking the ideal job. I just want to be able to pay my bills.

I hear Utah is big on family & community, just not on liberals.
Alaska has lots of men , but no spiders.
Maybe there's someplace in Nevada that suits your purposes.

Alaska would actually be at the top of my list if it weren't for the horses.
Re: Re: Re: Help me out, y'all.

pagancowgirl said:

When i first moved out here, my in-laws kept begging us to move out by them, at the time they were telling us of newer homes (how large i'm not sure), on 4-5 acres of land selling for $50 - $60. Now, we never looked at them, so i cannot say how nice they were, and realestate has gone up in price since then. But from what i understand, that's nationwide anyway.

My in-laws rent a cute house on 5 acres, 3 bedroom, plus two rooms upstairs (they use them as spare bedrooms as well). My father-in-law LOVES horses and has about 8 of them with all that stuff that goes along with having horses, one of those riding pen things, a little barn (i obviously don't know much about horses ~*lol*~)

They pay $300. a month for all this, plus utilities of coarse.
Bring your horses to Ocala, Florida, horse country. As a Realtor specializing in Mini-Horse farms (owning one myself) I would be more than happy to ASSist you in any way I can.
Come east little girl. Prices out here are great. The "big" city is hiring and I've got my eye on a few pieces of property.

Go here:

These are all pretty local.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me out, y'all.

bondagegurl said:
My in-laws rent a cute house on 5 acres, 3 bedroom, plus two rooms upstairs (they use them as spare bedrooms as well). My father-in-law LOVES horses and has about 8 of them with all that stuff that goes along with having horses, one of those riding pen things, a little barn (i obviously don't know much about horses ~*lol*~)

They pay $300. a month for all this, plus utilities of coarse.

SOLD!!! lol

Could you PM me the name of the actual town so I can search the area?
Alaska has lots of men , but no spiders.

Being from Alaska I have to answer this: Yes, there are a lot of men, but as we like to say up here "The odds are good, but the goods are odd."

And yes, we have spiders.

And my nextdoor neighbor has horses, in fact, on hillside there is lots of horses, horse trails and even a free access horse park.

However, the best bet is the valley, it's cheaper. You can get a large bit of Wasllia or Palmer for cheap and still be within commuting range of Anchorage *my town* the largest city in Alaska.

Go to for some lovely viewing all over the state.
pagan, I live in Alabama. There's lots of open land, a few large-ish cities, and the cost of living isn't too high. I live in Birmingham, the largest city in the state. I knew lots of people who had land and horses, etc. growing up. Andtheir commutes weren't hellish. My sister and her husband live in Auburn, about 2 hours southeast of Birmingham, and about 45 minutes from Montgomery, the state capitol, and they have about 5 acres of land with a 2 bedroom house on it that they bought for about 80,000. I dunno if this helps, but pm me if you want more information.
pagancowgirl said:
My body parts are NOT property! ;)

Oh damn. I already started bidding on your ta-tas. You're not going to No-Sale me, are ya? *whine*