HELP!!! Major Puter problem...


Gun Totin'
Oct 14, 2001
Every time I try to open the file on my puter, My Documents, I get an illegal operation notice and the thing crashes. Not the entire system just that file.

I have a lot of documents in there that I have copied and pasted from the web and initially thought virus but after running Norton I come up with no viruses at all.

Any ideas?
no, but hiiiiiiiiiiiii and *lick*

if no one knows tonight. Try asking Shameless Flirt, he's a wiz.
go into your NAV settings and select bloodhound. if it comes clean after that then (if you have Nortn System Works) run the one button check up. after the problems ahve been solved, With the application open (word, notepad, excel) select the file you want to open. I've had similar problems and it was the directory path of the file that was corrupted not the file itself.
perky_baby said:
no, but hiiiiiiiiiiiii and *lick*

if no one knows tonight. Try asking Shameless Flirt, he's a wiz.

:eek: Licked by a duck... now that's something that doesn't happen every day.:D :p
kiwiwolf said:

:eek: Licked by a duck... now that's something that doesn't happen every day.:D :p

but it should. I wish I didn't have to go, but I do. Night sugahwolfie. *lick twice*
Okay... now I can't send emails. I get the same warning... Illegal Operation. This is starting to piss me off.
kiwiwolf said:
Okay... now I can't send emails. I get the same warning... Illegal Operation. This is starting to piss me off.

hit ctrl+alt+del once and see what is running in the background, while you may not have a virus, you may have a more malicious program. restart your 'puter several times. if you continue to have problems hopefully you can restore your 'puter to a previous point.

When you get the error, click on the "Details" tab and copy the first two lines indicating the modules and error address. Paste or type that here.

Also go to the site below and download, unzip and run the StartupList application. Copy/paste the results to a reply.
debbiexxx said:
Someone call Draco! :)

This is so ironic... the only thing I can do on this piece of antiquated gorilla snot is post to lit.

Nurse Debbie... call Doctor Draco... STAT! I fear we are loosing it. Tell him to scrub. It may need open drive surgery.:cool: :( :eek:
kiwiwolf said:
Every time I try to open the file on my puter, My Documents, I get an illegal operation notice and the thing crashes. Not the entire system just that file.

Step one: Run Scandisk -- before clicking start, click on "advanced" and make sure that all of the check boxes on the right under "check files for" and that "Report MSDOS name length errors" is checked.

Step two: Find DRWATSON.EXE (in C:\windows) and create a shortcut to it. move the newly created shortcut file to:

C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Step three: reboot your computer.

Step four: Try to open My Documents -- DRwatson should activate and give you some details about the error -- set view to advanced to see the task list and other details.

Step five: Report back here with more details or report success.
Yay Weird Harold is here. :)

I have emailed and ICQ'd Draco.

And I just uninstalled yahoo because I think
that it is causing some of the computer probs
I am having.
unskilled said:

When you get the error, click on the "Details" tab and copy the first two lines indicating the modules and error address. Paste or type that here.

Also go to the site below and download, unzip and run the StartupList application. Copy/paste the results to a reply.

MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 017f:8548b.

It's all greek to me. This is what I got when I tried to open Outlook Express.

EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in module OLEAUT32.DLL at 017f:653aac21.

This is the little puppy that comes up when I try to open MY DOCUMENTS folder on my desktop.

Debbie... you're an angel. Harold.. I love ya... trying it all now.

Thanks guys.:D
Harold took the words out of my mouth. I was gonna suggest to do a thorough scan disk and maybe even a defrag. Then when illegal operation came up, hit details and read what it says. But looks like you got it all covered.
Weird Harold said:
According to Deb's second link the happy99 worm (or a later clone) could be your problem, but the removal link on that page is out of date. Here's symantec's page on the worm with removal instructions:

According to the download my system wasn't infected by the happyworm... thanks anyway guys. I can't even run Scandisc.. it keeps stalling.
Hey All....ok...first stop is

Dont bother with email or scandisk or anything else at the sounds like you're infected (unclean-unclean :D )

Follow the prompts and let it scan your machine first.....

I'll assume here we're dealing with Win 98....hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and END Task on all progs except Explorer...(thats the core of windows and you cant shut it off)...Close all running programs in the system tray..(by the clock..right corner of desktop)
then let it scan.....

Housecall will scan it with PC-Cillin 2002 (the best AV prog in my opinion) Nortons rates a distant second..sorry.

Lets see what Housecall comes up with from there...

Dr Draco.....:D
kiwiwolf said:
According to the download my system wasn't infected by the happyworm... thanks anyway guys. I can't even run Scandisc.. it keeps stalling.

I'd start with Draco's houscall link first.

Where is scandisk stalling? In the file system check, or in the surface scan? (you shouldn't need the thorough check/surface scan) for this problem?

Win 98 does have one other utility that might be useful -- SFC.exe.

That's System File Checker, and it checks your sytem files against what they were when originally installed. It's usefullness in this case is doubtful if you've never run it before, because it going to flag almost every file as being modified. If you have run it before though, this might be a good time to run it again.

Click START/Run, type SFC.exe and hit enter. It will take over from there all you need to do is follow the prompts.