Help, I'm going crazy!!!!


Jan 9, 2003
Ok, so i have to be up for work in five hours and my lovely boyfriend won't stop snoring!!!

I've tried nudging, kicking and even doing "nice" stuff to try and make it stop but nothing is working! so, does anyone have any effective ways to stop someone snoring (other than suffocation which is increasingly tempting)

I will be oh so grateful as i'm not very sweet with no sleep and i can't inflict that on anyone!!!!
ChocolateHarlot said:
...does anyone have any effective ways to stop someone snoring ...

My Ex used ice-water on me.

If this is not a normal occurance, he may be suffering from congestion and need some sudafed or an antihitamine to cure the snoring.

If this is normal for him, you probably need to do what my mother's boyfriend does -- turn your hearing aid off. :p (or get earplugs.)
ChocolateHarlot said:
ok, earplugs it is!!!

I still like the suffocation idea...


While satisfying, suffocation is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Drag him to a doctor. My mother's snoring virtually stopped after a doctor properly diagnosed the throat infection she had as a yeast infection instead of bacterial.

You can delight in the blood and suffering if it turns out he needs his tonsils or anenoids removed. ;)
As a loud snorer's a few tips

1. ALWAYS get to sleep before he does.
2. Buy those breathing strips...they work for some people...attaches to the sides of the nose and opens the nasal passages a slight amount...might be enough to prevent the snoring though.
3. If you find that he has gone to sleep before you...turn it around...just pinch the nostrils closed for 10 seconds until he awakens....then go to sleep yourself...repeat as necessary.
4. If it is REALLY bad, he might have a sleeping disorder and maybe should see a doctor....even without a disorder, a doctor can help.
Well here i am, officially up for work after about an hour of sleep, maybe this should be a warning for people to avoid me!!

In his defence, he is usually great to sleep with :)
Last night he just seemed, and still is in an unusually deep sleep (bless)!!!

Think i will show him the ideas, they will be useful the next time I start snoring!!!!

Thanks. xx
It couldn't hurt to have him checked out by a medical professional. It could be sleep apnea and that can cause a lack of oxygen going to the brain. Eek! Why take a chance? Next time he's off to the doctor's, have them take a look see. It could (fingers crossed that it isn't) be a sign of something worse. Here's to a sound night's sleep.

Good luck.:)
I'm one of those, a snorer that is.I smoke and I drink as well.I find when I do both to an excess , my mate tells me it's worse.I've had success with the Breathe Right strips,as previously mentioned.I'm also told that when I have a bout of obnoxious snoring I'm always on my back.So my mate will flip me over.That's not an easy thing to do ,so she will just grab my balls assertively and I always comply. If you have a man by his balls,his mind is sure to follow,and you'll get his ass off his back,and on to his tummy..Good fortune and sleep well.
have him drink water...

then open a window- alow air circulation and a little moisture/humidty into the room... might help.
Nothing like opening the window in mid Janruary,I'm just being a shit.Actually it makes sense ,I always remember my dreams better when the windows are open,although where I live that's not an option.Keep walkin the line.
loveyamon said:
Nothing like opening the window in mid Janruary,I'm just being a shit.Actually it makes sense ,I always remember my dreams better when the windows are open,although where I live that's not an option.Keep walkin the line.

Opening windows in January in Minnesota? Seems as though I could live with snoring better than pneumonia!:eek:
You got that right brother!The only time the window comes open in janruary around here is when the fireplace is roaring and the rug in front of it is to!Then when the sweatiness is done you close the window and curl up,throw on another log and go to a different place.It makes me want to light a fire ,but I'm alone tonight.
I usually just say her name louder and louder until she finally quits snoring....she never wakes up but she usually quits snoring for about 10 minutes. Although, you might have to resort to the extreme if this doesn't work!
Ummm- right...

Opening a window enough to let air flow in, turning on an electric blanket, and sleeping peacefully...

No one suggested Opening the window FULL TILT and freezing your ass off...
Flip him on his side or on his stomach, including his face. Dont let him sleep on his back as there is no help then. Manually close his mouth with your hand forcing him to breathe through his nose, release mouth after few minutes. If that doesnt help, suffocate him, or dump him, either works.
sleep doctor now

seriously he should go in and get checked... does it ever sound like he stops breathing for a second? as another poster has said, it could be sleep apnea which is a serious issue later on down the road causing fatigue, and other serious health problems down the road if not treated. speaking from experience. trust me the snoring could be just a symptom. also check out the breath right strips - they can help if it's just snoring there are other things to try. Good luck and have compassion and don't neglect YOUR sleep either. be well.

Impish.... the girl with sleep apnea... :eek:
I think it's my turn...

I suppose I should reply to this thread...I am the 'lovely boyfriend' after all.

I don't snore more than the average person normally...I just had a bad night.

Honest Your Honour!!!

My little Harlot was just pissed because I was keeping her awake. I bet she didn't tell you she is the one who normally keeps me awake did she?? All that snoring and wriggling. Oh no, she has passed on selective information so you are all on her side.

Well that is it. She has done it more orgasms from me for a whole month. That'll teach her. Bloody sexy-trollopy-harlot-type-person will have to go without.

I think I might just hide the batteries from her buzzing friend...
Dearest ChocolateHarlot............

Perhaps the simplest remedy is to move a quieter bedroom....:D :D :D

Jaded1, CT:devil:
Re: I think it's my turn...

amnesia said:
I suppose I should reply to this thread...I am the 'lovely boyfriend' after all.

I don't snore more than the average person normally...I just had a bad night.

Honest Your Honour!!!

I guess my query to this is...

How would you know if you're snoring more or less if you're asleep??

:confused: :confused: :confused:

For all I know, I wander the streets aimlessly singing Ethel Merman tunes at the top of my lungs when I'm asleep, but the only way I'm going to know that for a FACT is if someone tells me.
I sincerely hope that I'm not belting out Ethel Merman tunes in the middle of the night, but if I am... will somebody please stop me & send me back to bed?:eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: I think it's my turn...

amnesia said:
I bet she didn't tell you she is the one who normally keeps me awake did she??

You'd lose that bet.

In the sixth post of this thread, she said, "Think i will show him the ideas, they will be useful the next time I start snoring!!!!"

If you're really upset, I'd start with the very first suggestion to stop snoring: Ice Water (very few people snore when they're awake.)

Lust Engine:
I sincerely hope that I'm not belting out Ethel Merman tunes in the middle of the night, but if I am... will somebody please stop me & send me back to bed?

I would definitely wake you up for singing Ethel Merman Show tunes in your sleep. Howver, I'd probably just film your occasional sleepy-time performances of Gilbert and Sullivan operas.