Help finding story please - Gay Story -


Aug 7, 2013
Alright, so this is the last option i have for finding this story, i have spent a long time trying to re-find it and finally decided to come and try the forums. Now, onto the story.

-It has been a long time since i have read the story so everything i say may not be perfectly accurate

The story takes place in an apartment complex, our main character is a straight male who has a girlfriend, he just moved in a few days ago. The main plot of this story revolves around his neighbor, a big man, gay, who wants our main character. To set his plan into motion he invites the main character over and somehow slips him drugs that will keep his libido lower so that he cannot sleep with his girlfriend, this will cause tension among them and make him an easier target.

All of those drugs were just a set up though, the rest of his plan happened when he invited the main character over to workout. While there he slipped our guy some Viagra, or something of the sort to make him horny. The idea behind this was to make the main character think that he was not interested in his girlfriend anymore but was for some reason attracted to his neighbor.

At this point my memory of the whole thing gets even fuzzier, but i think it could have either ended with them being happy together as a regular couple, or the main character becomes a kind of slave to his neighbor, in a sexual sense of course.

Anyway sorry for this being such a long post, if anyone has any ideas as to what this may be i would be grateful.
