Hello from a Newman. Not Paul. Not the Seinfeld one either.


Really Experienced
Feb 26, 2013
Congratulations if the subject line piqued your interest enough for you to click through and see this.

I am new to literotica. Unfortunately, I am not Paul Newman. Had I been, I would be old, not horny and hence not on literotica.

I'm not the Seinfeldian Newman either, if not for which I'd be fictitious.

I am unsure of how to go about discovering literotica, but what I am sure about is that I seek good, fun company who I promise to in turn entertain. You have a gentleman's word on that!

Here goes nothing and it is indeed nice to meet you all!
Welcome to Lit! With regards to your username, are you a fan of Douglas Adams or the actual car?
Congratulations if the subject line piqued your interest enough for you to click through and see this.

I am new to literotica. Unfortunately, I am not Paul Newman. Had I been, I would be old, not horny and hence not on literotica.

I'm not the Seinfeldian Newman either, if not for which I'd be fictitious.

I am unsure of how to go about discovering literotica, but what I am sure about is that I seek good, fun company who I promise to in turn entertain. You have a gentleman's word on that!

Here goes nothing and it is indeed nice to meet you all!

If you were Paul Newman you'd be dead.