Hello Forum


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
I'm not really positive what to say here. So, you'll have to muddle through while I politely introduce myself and my reasons for wanting to support this forum.

I've posted here several times, asking questions here and there, but mostly lurking.

There is a wealth of information that I've gleaned from all of you. I've been able to introduce these gems in my personal life, my writing and my job.

I think this forum is an asset to our community.

I'm a woman who likes to experience. I'm not a 24/7 kinda gurl, and I don't use BDSM all the time in my sexual practices. However, I do partake. Maybe I'm just kinky, but I've subbed, I've definitely been a Domme, but mostly I use what I like. I'm a Switch to the highest degree.

I've stayed away from posting, because I didn't know whether I fit... enough. I don't want to throw around the terminology, because I fit so many of those descriptions without claiming just one. I don't want to intrude on those that need a space for their lifestyle.

However, I like this forum. With all of our experiences, each one of us has something to offer to it. So, from now on, I will be claiming my spot here. I won't be lurking anymore.

I am looking forward to getting to know some of you better.

<grin> It's nice to see you Ms. Fruit.

I'm nothing, if not loyal.
lovetoread said:
Hello Perky,welcome to non lurker status.

thanks ltr. I have to say, that av of yours, is my fav. of all your pics. Yes, I looked.
perky_baby said:
I'm not really positive what to say here. So, you'll have to muddle through while I politely introduce myself and my reasons for wanting to support this forum.

I've posted here several times, asking questions here and there, but mostly lurking.

There is a wealth of information that I've gleaned from all of you. I've been able to introduce these gems in my personal life, my writing and my job.

I think this forum is an asset to our community.

I'm a woman who likes to experience. I'm not a 24/7 kinda gurl, and I don't use BDSM all the time in my sexual practices. However, I do partake. Maybe I'm just kinky, but I've subbed, I've definitely been a Domme, but mostly I use what I like. I'm a Switch to the highest degree.

I've stayed away from posting, because I didn't know whether I fit... enough. I don't want to throw around the terminology, because I fit so many of those descriptions without claiming just one. I don't want to intrude on those that need a space for their lifestyle.

However, I like this forum. With all of our experiences, each one of us has something to offer to it. So, from now on, I will be claiming my spot here. I won't be lurking anymore.

I am looking forward to getting to know some of you better.


We all feel that way sometimes, that we don't fit the "mold". But we are entitled to be ourselves and contribute as well as we now how.

Welcome Perky.

Thanks, Ebony.

I'm going to have to catch up on some reading. Recommend any threads?
Glad to see you here Perky and looking forward to seeing your insights, wherever you think they fit..

Thanks Park. I'm looking forward to being part of this community.
perky_baby said:
Thanks, Ebony.

I'm going to have to catch up on some reading. Recommend any threads?

You can read the the sticky' s at the top., and just pick a subject that interests you.

Nemo has a good anthology thread with definitions, etc.


Hi there Perky Baby!

I'm not sure if I really fit into any forums. *wink* I just dabble in all of them. *smiles*. I've been exploring my Dome side, and I've found this place to be most helpful. The people here offer good advice as well as thier experiences. Best of all, they are all here to help. Take advantage of the group here and learn all you can. I know I have. *smiles*

aka "Mr. Bootie"
perky_baby said:
I'm not really positive what to say here. So, you'll have to muddle through while I politely introduce myself and my reasons for wanting to support this forum.

I am looking forward to getting to know some of you better.


Hiya Perks,...and welcome. I am sure we all are happy to have you begin posting,...I know I am. As a Forum, we welcome all NEW posters and lurkers alike.

Please feel free to ask your questions or offer your opinions on whatever might be of interest to you.

If you have lurked for a while, you are probably aware of how we tend to focus on BDSM, as it relates toward having skin-to-skin encounters, and it some cases, moving from ONLINE to R/L experiences, (that is where Dream and I started).

Please call me Art,..................enjoy! :rose:
Surely I understand that Art, just as we talk poetry in the poetry forum, this is a BDSM forum. I wouldn't think it should be any other way.

As for me, most of my experiences have been live. It's only been recently where I've had some that are phone related.

But that's about fantasy, not about reality.

I like this forum for figuring out things that I haven't experienced yet, and know nothing about.

Thanks for the welcome.
My knee jerk reaction is


I am so glad to see you got here, perky.

Please, jump in.

Hey sexy perky_baby... :) Long time no see... :)

Glad to see ya here. Have fun and welcome.

PBW "I agree... Rubyfruit's AVs rock"
Welcome perky! Don't worry about whether or not you "fit" in. What's important most times is just asking questions or getting involved. The "fit" will be uniquely yours anyway, no one else will be able to fill it like you can.
Re: My knee jerk reaction is

MissTaken said:

I am so glad to see you got here, perky.

Please, jump in.

Heya MissT, nice to see you, sugah.

Hiya PBW, it has been a long time, as I recall. But the memories are good.

Thanks Lance, Chele.

I appreciate the welcome.
It's two posts in one!

perky_baby said:

I've stayed away from posting, because I didn't know whether I fit... enough. I don't want to throw around the terminology, because I fit so many of those descriptions without claiming just one. I don't want to intrude on those that need a space for their lifestyle.

However, I like this forum. With all of our experiences, each one of us has something to offer to it. So, from now on, I will be claiming my spot here. I won't be lurking anymore.

I am looking forward to getting to know some of you better.

Of course you "fit" here. It's pretty easy, really: if you want to be here and are (at least) interested in BDSM, then you belong here. ;)

Glad to see that you've come out of your lurker-shell, perky.


Welcome to the forum. If I can help you get settled, use that PM button, okay?

Best to you,
Forum Moderator