Hello again!

Wow!! I am continuously blown away by how amazing you are. Perfect imperfections!!
Hello everyone. I deleted my Tumblr and even my Fetlife account mostly because I want to focus on my professional career now and don't want pictures of me floating around anymore. This world is a hostile place for women and I need to be more safe. Sadly I no longer feel safe showing myself anymore. I've been feeling like this for awhile. Someone messaged me on here saying that the pictures can be linked to my home address but I already knew that nothing is safe online anymore so it was more reason to delete everything. I just wanted to let you guys know what was up.
Easy to understand. Sad that people can't feel free to explore their sexuality in a way they prefer. While I will definitely miss seeing you and your perfection, I can't blame you for your choice. Best of luck and I hope you still visit Lit a lot. :)
I am sorry to hear you are leaving. You will be missed. I hope the best for you in rl!!
It's a shame you decided to leave, but for a perfectly understandable reason.