Helllllloooooo Literotica ! ! !


Literotica Guru
May 19, 2002
Yes I'm back, back again, back again. Ain't it great. Another youngin' to disturb the aging minds here at Literotica with his wild sex stories and aggressively passive morals.

Hello. How are you.

What was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you ?

I believe the line went "It's okay...I'll still be here in the morning"

btw...welcome back. Though I don't believe I knew you before.
StrawberryPez said:
I believe the line went "It's okay...I'll still be here in the morning"

btw...welcome back. Though I don't believe I knew you before.

Well yeah, this guy I sorta knew followed me here, and pissed everyone off.

But hey, here I am, by myself ...

Get to know me. :D
StrawberryPez said:
well lets hope not. I'd hate to have to finally use my ignore button. ;)
That would be mean, considering I'm a great guy.
Hello and welcome back! I'm still fairly new so I have no I dea who you are reffering to and from what I gather, that's a good thing!

THe sweetest thing anyone said to me was said by my best guy friend since second grade. WHen I found out I was pregnant, he said that if the father didn't step up and marry me, he wanted to. He said that he would love me and my son with no reserve despite the fact that he wouldn't be my best friend's biological child. He was so sweet and loving that I cried!:heart:
Nitsuj said:
Yes I'm back, back again, back again. Ain't it great. Another youngin' to disturb the aging minds here at Literotica with his wild sex stories and aggressively passive morals.

Hello. How are you.

What was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you ?


Hello...welcome back.

That he wants to spend the rest of his life at my side, taking care of me, making me happy, and pushing me gently towards all that I can be and into a better life. That even if we never made love another time, he would still have to have me at his side.

That at 48, he has finally surrendered his heart to another, that I have shown him how to love deeply and intimately...funny, I was thinking it was the other way around.
(You're probably fast asleep by now, but...) Helloooooo Justin! lol


Sweetest thing? A guy (that I just about married, btw) once said, "You are my home."
Hi Nitsuj,

The sweetest thing I've heard are the words "I love you", coupled with a look that allowed a glimpse clear through to her heart. It confirmed everything I'd hoped for.
The absoulute sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me was..

"I want to be the man you want, the man you need, the man you can't be without. I want us to grow and be our everything"
"I want to be the man you want, the man you need, the man you can't be without. I want us to grow and be our everything"

He sounds like a keeper to me!
Kitte said:
The absoulute sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me was..

"I want to be the man you want, the man you need, the man you can't be without. I want us to grow and be our everything"

Sounds like he whispered a Barry White line in your ear... lol
Welcome back, didn't know you were gone, but any happy faces are welcome here!
Welcome back, you ass backwards Justin. :0)

I'm just going to say the sweetest thing ever said to me was "I love you" from anyone who said it.