Hell if we're going beasty tonight PIG FUCKING


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Hell if we're going beasty tonight PIG FUCKING Or Spiral Fucked Ham

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Count me in!! I love the way their dicks look like corkscrews!



"Slow but sure moves the might of his bowels."---- Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), The Bacchae, circa 407 B.C.

"He of whom many are afraid ought to fear my breakfast value meal."----Sir Francis Bacon

My Diaries

"I hope you get raped. And while the male med student is clumsily sewing up the huge split in your lip and your arm is aching from holding the large ice pack to the side of her ugly abused face, the doctor returns to tell you that your blood results are back. You have H.I.V. Then, just before the lady policewoman starts to swab the inside of your used up, messy, bleeding cunt, the doctor leans back into the room and says Oh, forgot to mention, your pregnant too."----P.B.Walker

:( RIP Artful

:kiss:The Gusty Wind Fan Club:kiss:


Aquila's Naked Pics
Oh wait! You meant fuck a pig....not get fucked by a pig. In that case I'm still in! Is it wrong to eat a pig after you fucked it?
SilvaTungDevil said:
Oh wait! You meant fuck a pig....not get fucked by a pig. In that case I'm still in! Is it wrong to eat a pig after you fucked it?

Nothing better than an orgy followed by a BBQ
SilvaTungDevil said:
Oh wait! You meant fuck a pig....not get fucked by a pig. In that case I'm still in! Is it wrong to eat a pig after you fucked it?

The other, other white meat...Spiral Fucked Ham...
SilvaTungDevil said:
Umm, when I said I would eat the pig after fucking it, that's not quite what I meant.
I take it you want the dark meat? Well, during and after it is done with you that is.
hey, give 'em a break, animals get horny too y'know.

*the pig theme reminds me of Deliverence