Heh... Democrat delimma. Bush is never right...

Cap’n AMatrixca

Copper Top
Jul 5, 2005
And he said Hillary would be the nominee.

I don't think he said anything about a running mate.

Somebody boring and unthreatening and remember Lazio intimidated her...
I'm looking forward to the possibility of a Democrat as President so we will finally be able to agree that the President is an idiot.
Byron In Exile said:
I'm looking forward to the possibility of a Democrat as President so we will finally be able to agree that the President is an idiot.

She's not an idiot.

Resident Evil...

;) ;)
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
She's not an idiot.

Resident Evil...

;) ;)
We may have a debate here.

I propose that the qualities of evil and idiocy are not mutually exclusive.
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
And he said Hillary would be the nominee.

I don't think he said anything about a running mate.

Somebody boring and unthreatening and remember Lazio intimidated her...

i see he went out on a limb here
Byron In Exile said:
We may have a debate here.

I propose that the qualities of evil and idiocy are not mutually exclusive.

I never said they were. That exact package is at Columbia today...

;) ;)
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
I never said they were. That exact package is at Columbia today...

;) ;)
Well, sue me, 'cause I think Ahmadinejad is smarter than Hillary.

Columbia should give him an IQ test, and then have Hillary take the same test, and then we'd see what's what. Culturally neutral questions, of course...
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Dame Edmond Hillary's health care plan isn't even her own...

of course it aint her own!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it dont work, she can BLAME someone else

sorta like the first plan

it was hers for almost a decade UNTIL LAST WEEK

when she said IT WASNT! :rolleyes:
Oh, gawd, it escapes me now, but in last week's news there were at least two reports I heard about one of the Ivy League schools conducting a survey which showed their own grad students knew less about civics than when they entered the "institution."

The logical culmination of the 60's Berkley movement and its philosophy...

Hillary's philosophy.
Proves your point.

It was Bill's idea.

My new idea is much better; I learned to skip the details and to pick better slogans...
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
And he said Hillary would be the nominee.

I don't think he said anything about a running mate.

Somebody boring and unthreatening and remember Lazio intimidated her...

Looks like Richardson is actively seeking the VP nomination.

Ishmael said:
Looks like Richardson is actively seeking the VP nomination.


Or a regualr stint at the comedy club...

Whaddaya mean I can't habla? Even Bush can h-h-h-habla!
The half empty glass...

Who do you want to see in the White House next?

A name would be nice but my expectations are low.
SaintPeter said:
The half empty glass...

Who do you want to see in the White House next?

A name would be nice but my expectations are low.

Not a matter of 'want' Petey. I fully expect Hillary to win at this point in time.

Ishmael said:
Not a matter of 'want' Petey. I fully expect Hillary to win at this point in time.


Her health care plank is making me uneasy.

Give me a name, give me a life boat.
SaintPeter said:
Her health care plank is making me uneasy.

Give me a name, give me a life boat.

With the Repubs it seems to be between Rudi and Fred. Of the two I prefer Fred. But unless something dramtic occurs to change the world dynamics Hillary will still win.

Her health care plan should make you uneasy. Her numbers are a sham.
