Headaches after orgasm (serious question)


Really Experienced
Oct 2, 2002
Anyone else have this problem? I do; not too often thankfully, but enough to be a negative reinforcement.

Within about 10 seconds after cumming, I will occasionally get hit with a headache. Sometimes it's a little twinge, other times it's a complete mindfuck. My partners have usually been understanding (except for one jerk who kept trying to 'give me the biggest headache I ever had'. Of course, HE was the headache, but I digress).

Quality of orgasm has no direct bearing on the severity of headache: a small ripply orgasm can end up in a very bad 'white pain' headache, or a mind-blowing, rip-the-pillowcase-with-my-fingernails can produce nothing at all.

I have been to both my regular G.P. and my gynocologist: no luck there. I have had MRIs, a CAT scan, and an EEG: all have shown no abnormalities. Of course, they and I balk at recreating the problem in public.

Anyone else have this problem? Anything else I can do?
This is a very interesting topic to me. I've had a girlfriend who had a similar problem and we never did get to the bottom of it. I've also had a girlfriend who NEEDED sex and orgasm when she would get headaches because she said it helped them (she would get pretty bad headaches)

I am by no means an expert but if it's orgasm and not just sex or activity that triggers these headaches my tendency is to think it's a chemical response...

I also am hearing from your post that this isn't ALL the time...nor is it the same degree of pain every time. This leads me to wonder if these chemicals vary from time to time...

I put those two ideas together and propose this:

Examine carefully your eating habits...maybe even to the point of tracking EVERYTHING you eat (as well as fluid intake--we all know dehydration causes it's own set of problems including headaches)

Take this list of foods and track for 5 or maybe 10 occurances of these headaches...then see if maybe there's a common thread between your diet and when and how severe the headaches are.

While this isn't necessarily an alergy per se...it could be a reaction to some specific intake.

Just an idea...best of luck to you.
SeaGriffin said:
Of course, they and I balk at recreating the problem in public.

It is also my understanding...although not first hand knowledge...that there ARE reputable research centers that do have the means to record and monitor physical response to sexual activity and orgasm...

But I can definitely see how this would be UBER uncomfortable...
SeaGriffin said:
I have been to both my regular G.P. and my gynocologist: no luck there. I have had MRIs, a CAT scan, and an EEG: all have shown no abnormalities. Of course, they and I balk at recreating the problem in public.

How's your blood pressure?

A sudden elevation in blood pressure can cause headaches. I'd expect any exercise to cause headaches if it is blood pressure related, but it might that your orgasms are producing a particularly sharp increase in blood pressure.

The apparent random nature of the headaches could be a result of your orgasms triggering an incipient headache -- headaches your were building up to with or without the orgasm. In effect, just making a headache you already had worse even though you didn't realize yet that you had a headache.
This happened to me about a year ago. Except that it would happen every time I orgasmed. Needless to say, I wasn't overly eager to have orgasms!

I was getting pretty freaked out about the whole thing, when - poof! - it just stopped, and everything was normal. Never asked my doctor about it.

WH's suggestion does make some sense, but I am on diuretics (the same thing they use for control of high blood pressure, but I use them for a different reason), so my blood pressure is always in the normal range. I don't think that is what caused them for me, but who knows? Most of the time the headaches would go away with asprin. A couple of times, they lingered until morning. Either way, they were uncomfortable.

Has this condition always been there, or did it just recently develop? I'm not even certain what I did differently - diet, exercise, all seemed to remain the same. But certainly these things can contribute.

If they persist, I would contact a center that deals strictly with headaches. They may be able to conduct certain tests, look at what you are eating/exercise, or at the very least, tell you how to deal with them.

Good luck!
SexyChele said:
...Has this condition always been there, or did it just recently develop?....

Considering I had a five year dry spell, I'd say it is recent (within the past year).

I appreciate all the possible causes and suggestions. There have been quite a few major and minor changes in my life within the past year, and any of these could be the root cause. I'll be checking into diet and the blood pressure (prolly the two most likely causes).

Heck, I am just happy to be finally getting some lately, so I will be tolerant of the some of the bad as well as all of the good.

My thanks. Y'all are great folk.
Can anyone else share their experiences or knowledge about this?

This just happened to me for the first time; it hurt and it scared me.
Hmmm....I always get lightheaded and dizzy cuz I dont get enough air. No head aches though. I have heard of this before...I would go to the doc. This could be something serious!
I found this by doing a Google search.....hope it helps :)

Headaches that occur during orgasm are rare, but not as rare as you might think. Experts actually have specific names for headaches that occur during sexual activity, such as "coital cephalgia."

Most people who experience headaches immediately before orgasm do not have a worrisome cause for their problem. Most of these headaches are related to and in fact about half the people who get sexual headaches also get typical migraines. Sexual headaches are also related to headaches that are brought on by coughing or exercise. Men are typically affected more than women, and the condition may be more common in people who are overweight, out of shape or who have high blood pressure. The typical orgasm-related headache comes on suddenly, may be quite severe, and may last anywhere from minutes to hours. The condition is unpredictable, appearing on one day but not the next. Certain medications, such as beta- blockers, may help to prevent these headaches or make them less severe.

However, some sexual headaches may not be benign. Up to 10 percent of people with a leaking brain aneurysm may first experience a headache during sexual activity. Brain tumors and certain other serious conditions also can cause headaches that are worse during intercourse. Be sure to see your health-care provider if you develop a new, sudden ("thunderclap") headache that starts during sex, exercise or other activity during which pressure builds up inside the head. While not everyone with sexual headaches needs an extensive work-up, your doctor may recommend tests such as a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head or a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), especially if the headaches are new or getting worse.
Thank you, Bandit!

Good info.; I'm alternately not worried and totally freaked out.

Mostly not worried, though...thanks again.
My wife has also suffered from this problem. Is not a regular thing and we can't get to the bottom of it either. She does have a history of headaches and we've had Catscans and everything else run to figure it out.

It does seem to occur more often if we've gone a while without making love and then she has multiple orgasms when we do. So perhaps more frequent sex is the answer.

She also has one other odd quirk. Often after she cums, esp when shes on top, right after it hits, her back begins itching insanely, and shes begging me to scratch her back. Is rather odd, but quite funny at the same time.