He Doesn't Believe Me About His Baldness


Really Really Experienced
Jan 7, 2003
This has probably been done before, I don't know. But help me out here please, ....

Today while standing behind and absent-mindedly distracting my b/f who was seated in front of his computer, I realized that I was seriously turned on by his bald spot. I have a thing about skin textures and I truly enjoyed giving that part of his anatomy some attention. Usually I am attracted to someone's spirit more than the outer package and I don't pay attention to such details. I surprised myself today when I realized all this.

B/f refused to believe me when I told him that I liked his bald spot AND that I could understand how women could be totally attracted to a man's baldness. I know some men can be extremely senstive about this subject and I think if they realized that it was actually sexy, they might not worry about it so much.

Am I way off base here, or did I just have a light-bulb moment this morning?
Nah, I don't think it was a light bulb moment, because the attraction to shin and bald men already existed. I think you're just suprised that it existed, maybe?
I dig Trails receding hairline, there is just something about it, and bald men, that turns me on big time. He has beautiful "Richard Gere" type hair that I love, but I like those little balding spots, too.
Bald men and "BALDING" men are two different things.

Being bald could be ok I guess, but Losing the hair for years and years must be a bummer.
I'm not caught up in the looks of others but..

I've always been attracted to men who had very short haircuts or shaved heads.

Having talked to quite a few men who are bald or are going bald, most are very self conscious about it. I think its how we as women feel about some of our own physical attributes at times.

Hopefully over time he'll realize that you find him sexy as all get out, bald or not. :)
Take Matt Lauer as an example.....he is losing his hair drastically......I think he should shave it now and deal.....but maybe he is doing the hang on to what he has thing for a journalistic reason or something I dunno.

Like I said...Bald...one thing....Bal DING....bummer
Re: Re: He Doesn't Believe Me About His Baldness

acitore_vuli said:
Sure, make jokes about us bald guys.

I didn't mean to make light of this subject. Understand I'm just a serious piece of fluff here, okay? :)

Intrigued understands what I mean.

I also disagree about the balding and bald. It's the same skin, just more of it. I like the way it feels. My guy has a beard that he'll never get rid of I'm sure, although I admit I'm curious about what he'd look like without it.
I'd say you've developed a sort of a fetish ;)
Man are turned on by some parts/things that seem totally absurd to woman.
Liking it is one thing and I spouse it can boost bold mans confidence but avoid making fun of it ... it hurts
Re: Re: Re: Re: He Doesn't Believe Me About His Baldness

acitore_vuli said:

But she just keeps doing it, huh?:D

Yes, fuzzel, I do get it. I can never explain what it is, I suppose it just "is", we can't help what does or doesn't do it for us.
I think he will kill me if he keeps losing his hair, he is so damn hot as it is.
And his hairy chest just melts me...:p
fuzzel said:
Do they tell you WHY they love it?

Nope...All I know is that I have had far more women caress my dome than run their fingers through my hair when I had it...:)
rosco rathbone said:
The hip bald kids are going with ironic combovers this season. You saw it here first.

Perhaps, but New York City is lifetimes away from Texas. Our definition of hipness may vary at times.
kidthor said:
Nope...All I know is that I have had far more women caress my dome than run their fingers through my hair when I had it...:)

That sounds really nice. I'm convinced it's a tactile/texture thing. I'm okay with this.
fuzzel said:
That sounds really nice. I'm convinced it's a tactile/texture thing. I'm okay with this.

Have to admit...even I love the way my head feels the day after I shave it.
kidthor said:
Have to admit...even I love the way my head feels the day after I shave it.

entertaining the thought of a bald, smooth head between my legs...hmmm the possibilities!!:D