having to move out sucks...

awe your right dressers are a pain truthfully anything that's big and heavy like a fridge is difficult
Dude! That does suck!! I've never had to move alone- shit is /heavy/!! Get your bitch-ass brother and sister-in-law or whoever to help!

my brother is one lazy motherfucker i tell ya. he would only help if i buy him beers if not.. if i give him some money. so fuck that, like i told him.. if you dont help out, find a new place to stay.

my daughter an brother lives with me.

the owner of the house we're renting from just went bankrupt. so now we gota move due to the bank's authority.

Try getting a job and buying a house, dipshit.

You're raising a child?

No doubt you'll have her turning tricks by age 12.
I have moved house countless times.
Get yourself one of those heavy-duty furniture trolleys with straps - makes life a whole lot easier, and should only be around $80.
Oh, and minimise!!! Get rid of all the extra crap you haven't touched, used or worn in over a year.