Having a (very minor) problem...


Literotica Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but giving it a shot.

While looking over my list of stories, I discovered that some of them list me as "writer" rather than "editor". It also lists my names SHendude isntead of Shendude; when I log in as SHendude, this is reversed, I'm editor for those stories but writer for all others.

How do I fix this?

EDIT: The stories in question are Our Conquerors, Our Concubines & Jacob & His Jinniyah. Currently, both of them are "approval pending"
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My two cents...

You signed yourself up for two different accounts (maybe keying in the SHendude one first, for example, then Shendude when you didn't duplicate the error and assumed that the first registration didn't take) and have continued to login under one or the other depending on whether you were heavy on the Shift key...

Should be a pretty easy fix for an administrator to transfer editorship of one login to another; you still won't have all the threads as writer (I don't think threads are transferable) but at least everything will be in one place, and as editor you can adjust all your threads as desired.

I'm sure an admin will correct me if I am wrong.
There aren't even two accounts.

For some reason, the log in is not case sensitive, so I can log in as 'Torg', 'torg', or 'TORG', all with the same password. But once you're logged in, it treats each of those as separate userids with different rights.

Be careful when you log in to use 'Shendude' and not 'SHendude'. I can transfer those two stories to 'Shendude'.
Be careful when you log in to use 'Shendude' and not 'SHendude'. I can transfer those two stories to 'Shendude'.
That would be really great, thanks.

On a completely unrelated note, I love your avatar. What's the source?
That would be really great, thanks.

On a completely unrelated note, I love your avatar. What's the source?


I got it off the internet. Google term: "Naked female centaur".
Dude, it's photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels.

Really? Wow! I just saw one of these, though she was wearing clothes, down at the mall along with a satyr, a gremlin, and Paul Bunyon.
Really? Wow! I just saw one of these, though she was wearing clothes, down at the mall along with a satyr, a gremlin, and Paul Bunyon.

I think I see them occasionally, too. They're a rare sort, much like helpful editors, Mods, & other staff on CHYOO.

"It's funny 'cuz it's true."

I read the story summary for a story I've had threads approved in, & it gave the requirements for when to promote writers to "Trusted" status. I fit the requirements, but it hadn't happened. I contacted the creator/editor, & he said the following:

"Are you referring to the auto promote thing? I'm not sure if that works properly or if it's one of the things that was never implemented properly."
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I was trying to be helpful when I wrote that. So I don't think editors need to be lumped into your complaint about unhelpfulness.
I was trying to be helpful when I wrote that. So I don't think editors need to be lumped into your complaint about unhelpfulness.

It just so happens that the person I've been dealing with a lot regarding CHYOO is the editor of many stories that I myself have long-pending (no action, no approval or denial) threads in. He also is the "editor" (in credit on the title page, at least) of many stories, many of which he took over from me (including one I myself began/created).

Did I ever say you were unhelpful? No. Much like most any other group (here, or in the world), one is very likely to find groups where there are some great people, but there are also a large number that are less-than-stellar. You definitely fit into the former, but it's a simple fact that the latter seem to be incredibly prevalent. (Or maybe it is just a few that are the credited editors for a bunch of stories each.)