Have you ever?

Had so many thoughts running through your head that you just needed one moment without thinking.. Just one moment of complete silence in your head, that is all you require.

In general, this happens every once in a while. Usually I just scream inside my head, sometimes aloud if I really need to release.

But coincidentally, the hot/cold shower thing happened to me just this very morning. I like the way you handled it, though.

Sometimes I take a long shower in the dark. I also like being cold on one part of my body and warm on another when I'm in there. For me it's more about getting the comfort of turning my cold skin into the warm water. I usually sit in the shower with my arms around my knees and just lose myself in the darkness, between those two extremes. I do this to relax both my body and my mind.
Today.. I found it rather amusing that I had goosebumps all over by back as the scalding hot water found its way down my back!!