Have you ever tried Vegemite?

T.J. Jackson

Literotica Guru
Feb 11, 2003
Ewwwwww, what do the Aussies see in that food? I had the aftertaste in my mouth for a full day. (I am told it is better on very fresh bread but I just can't see it) What other foods just don't do it for you?
never tried vegimite, although living in ohio i have never seen it offered in any stores...i prolly would try it once, just to say i did
We live in florida but have a friend in Sydney who sent some to my son and OMG he loves it....as for other foods that don't do it for me eggplant I would rather be beat then have to eat that nasty thing. :nana:
yes, tried it when i was backpacking. an ozzie guy thought a vegemite toast was a good idea to cure a hangover.
i puked. he never offered again.

i also can't stand lamb, mutton and HP Sauce.
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Yes, I tried it. A friend of mine from here sent it to me. Blech! Terrible tasting stuff. I definitely preferred the chocolate she sent :D
Summery said:
Yes, I tried it. A friend of mine from here sent it to me. Blech! Terrible tasting stuff. I definitely preferred the chocolate she sent :D

Yeah, I got some Milo sent along with my vegemite and I am looking forward to trying that. I'll give the vegemite one more shot, but I ain't looking forward to it.
I myself have never tried vegemite, but, I've tried things like shark and squid and I can safely live without those. Oh, and carrots .... yuck!
Oysters, shrimp and most slimy seafood....yucky. Some fish is ok but most of it is ewwwwww.
T.J. Jackson said:
Ewwwwww, what do the Aussies see in that food? I had the aftertaste in my mouth for a full day. (I am told it is better on very fresh bread but I just can't see it) What other foods just don't do it for you?

Lol, Vegimite :) Can I ask how much you ate? You should only use a minimal amount, VERY minimal amount! Funny how so many ppl hate it, did you know it is made from the left overs of beer?

I love my vegimite! Those nice rosy red cheeks, lol

OOO !!! My favorite.

I grew up with it . yyyumm yy

And also mamite. too

and Beef bouillon is almost the same stuff.

I use a big tbs full and add HOT water.

My kids like to spread it on toast.

And I just like to eat it straight.

I will dip my finger into the jar

And then lick off my finger hehe yummmy :):):)

Taste good too .

Kiwi and Aussie kids grow up on vegemite. Take a good look at the size of an ALL BLACK front row forward, no helmet, no pads, just pure, sheer, VEGEMITE power. Lets see your girly little gridiron players stack up against that. Ask any kiwi or aussie, vegemite is food for godz, far better than the shit you yanks guzzle down. Vegemite on toast at breakfast sets you up for the whole day, with enough vitamins, minerals, and iron to keep you ticking all day long, holy hell, we even feed it to our babies.

Vegemite contains: (per 5 grm serving)
Energy 40kJ
Protein 1.3g
Carbo 1.0g
Fat Nil
Niacin 2600ug (25% RDI) Recommended Daily Intake
Vitamin B1 300ug (27% RDI)
Vitamin B2 300ug (17% RDI)
Sodium 205mg

Yeast extract
Malt extract (from Barley)
Colour (150c) or (150d)
Vegetable flavours

Vegemite is fucking great, on toast, in sandwichs, with cheese, lettuce, on crackers, in a stew.
Re: yummmmmmmmmmmm.....

Gusty Wind said:
And also mamite. too

MARMITE...you ********* :rolleyes:
My humble opinion, Marmite tastes better than Vegemite, but I love em both.

My kids grew up on it, I grew up on it, My mum and dad, their mums & dads....

This is exactly why New Zealand and Australian sports men AND women kick ass on the world stage.

Draco said:

Kiwi and Aussie kids grow up on vegemite. Take a good look at the size of an ALL BLACK front row forward, no helmet, no pads, just pure, sheer, VEGEMITE power. Lets see your girly little gridiron players stack up against that. Ask any kiwi or aussie, vegemite is food for godz, far better than the shit you yanks guzzle down. Vegemite on toast at breakfast sets you up for the whole day, with enough vitamins, minerals, and iron to keep you ticking all day long, holy hell, we even feed it to our babies.

Vegemite is fucking great, on toast, in sandwichs, with cheese, lettuce, on crackers, in a stew.

LOL, It must be an acquired taste. I'm willing and going to give it another shot (mainly because my SO is a fanatic about it, kinda like you). You feed your babies this? What kind of faces do they make when it first touches their tongue?

It's good with cheese? Any particular kind?

VEGEMITE POWER!!!! LOL, too funny.
Try shum LUVly VitaMeataVegeaMin...noony, whatshish...Hashz

ONE HUNDRED percent Alcohol, *hiccup* Iz WUNerfull
Just to show I'm fair:

Marmite contains: (per 5gm serving)

Carbohydrates 0.8g
Energy 36kj
Calories 9
Fat (total) 0.9g
Saturated fat <0.1g
Protien 0.8g
Cholesterol 0.0mg
Sugars 0.6g
Dietary fibre 0.6g
Sodium 170mg
Potassium 90mg
Thiamin 0.55mg (50% RDI)
Riboflavin 0.42mg (25% RDI)
Niacin 2.5mg (25% RDI)
Folate 100ug (50% RDI)
Vitamin B12 0.5ug (50% RDI)
Iron 1.8mg (15% RDI)

Yeast 73%
Mineral Salts (508)
Colour (Caramel)
Minerals (Iron)
Vitamins (Niacin, Thiamine Riboflavin Folate, B12)

Recipes and more Marmite advice and facts
Summery said:
Yes, I tried it. A friend of mine from here sent it to me. Blech! Terrible tasting stuff. I definitely preferred the chocolate she sent :D

Summery, I'd smear it all over your luscious bod, and then take great pleasure in licking you clean........:kiss:
The sandwich spread we have in North America that seems to vex all outsiders is Peanut Butter...

Try finding some Skippy in Europe or Asia I tell ya ;p
I like vegemite. I tried it when I was touring through Ireland with some Aussies and Brits. One of the Aussies had a huge tub of it and I tried it on toast. It's a little on the bitter side, but I acquired the taste quickly and by the end of the trip, I was talking Aussie...

Throw 'nother shrimp on the barbie!
I tried it and didn't like it. HOWEVER, no one told me to use just a little- I'd give it another go.

The worst thing i ever ate was beek skin. Ewww. Ack. Thhhhpt. Ick. Sorry to those who may love the stuff, but hell no, I'de never eat it again.
Draco said:
Summery, I'd smear it all over your luscious bod, and then take great pleasure in licking you clean........:kiss:


This has been my best laugh all morning. Thanks, Draco!

Just as long as you are the one licking and tasting that evil stuff, I am ok with it. You want me to return the favor, let's think more along the lines of chocolate!:D :kiss:
Re: Re: yummmmmmmmmmmm.....

Draco said:
MARMITE...you ********* :rolleyes:
My humble opinion, Marmite tastes better than Vegemite, but I love em both.

My kids grew up on it, I grew up on it, My mum and dad, their mums & dads....

This is exactly why New Zealand and Australian sports men AND women kick ass on the world stage.

hehe.. I am glad you know Waht I meant.

hehehe ... EVEN now that I am very old ...haha...

I still do that. ..dip and kick.

And I will do that when no one around.

hehee.. they thinks is gross..:rolleyes:

hmmm.. .my mom use to make soup out of it.

And i Am not even a WHITE person .

I am yellow . hehee,,,

And marmite did not makes my skin whiter... LOL ..

I get darker As time goes by...:eek: jk...


I have marmite NAd vegemit... in my refregirator at all times .

mmmmmmmmmm yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for me .;)