Have You Ever Just Burned Yourself Out On Masturbation?


Jan 27, 2003
I go through periods like this.. when I've perved myself out. When I've frigged so much I've just burned out on it.

Maybe I'm just lacking inspiration.. or quite possibly I just need a real live partner to grab my hair, spank my ass and fuck me hard.

So have you?
k¡tty said:
I go through periods like this.. when I've perved myself out. When I've frigged so much I've just burned out on it.

Maybe I'm just lacking inspiration.. or quite possibly I just need a real live partner to grab my hair, spank my ass and fuck me hard.

So have you?

I burned out a vibrator once. Does that count?
It gets old. Masturbation, especially for men I think, feels like practice for the real thing, and if the real thing never comes along it seems kind of pointless after a while.

I need someone to pull MY hair.
No...not really. It's just that I run out of privacy to do so. But I could go on and on and on some days.

Yea...I know. You're so surprised.:D
no Raina it doesn't. lol How many women haven't done that?

I think that sometimes it can accentuate being alone SillyMan.

lmao yes I'm shocked Juicy. :D

Privacy isn't an issue for me really.. I mean I have all day, all night and the weekends in which to do it. Heck if the urge hits I can slip easily off into the bathroom or my bedroom and tc of that.
I'd love a snuggle and some non sexual petting... not that I'd be extremely adverse if it went sexual.
k¡tty said:
no Raina it doesn't. lol How many women haven't done that?

Well Thppppt! :p

Seriously though, I do go through phases. Sometimes I can't masturbate enough. Then there are days when I just don't even want to think about it.
k¡tty said:
I'd love a snuggle and some non sexual petting... not that I'd be extremely adverse if it went sexual.

I'm about there myself. I've never gotten to do much petting in my life. I've always been to scared.
I've been to the point where I just can't even get into, usually because porn can get so boring, and quick fixes for the real thing can't last forever, can they? :eek: I need someone to hug my little head for being so naughty :D
I also go through phases...sometimes I do it a lot...even if I can have the real thing...then comes a week when I´m not really having sexual feelings at all...but I don´t think I´m burned out...it´´s something in the mind...
Yep I know just what you mean Raina. Emi is coming down for the weekend and she was informed last night she has to go to the toy store with me. lol Those dudes that work there creep me out.

I'm a lot like a kitty in the respect of petting. I'll lay all over ya if you stroke my hair and rub me. I even throw in a good purr for good measure. :D

But I have to feel very comfortable with the person, the situation and the relationship in order to be affectionate back. My ex wasn't very affectionate .. giving or receiving.

Nope you're right Just, quick fixes as a replacement don't last forever.
k¡tty said:
I'd love a snuggle and some non sexual petting... not that I'd be extremely adverse if it went sexual.

I rarely think like that. If I'm horny...then I want to cum...now...multiple times. It never occurs to me to want the other. I'm a sexual person...but not an affectionate one.

After a vigorous spell, I'd be better off doing old west rope tricks!
Re: Sometimes......

Lost Cause said:
After a vigorous spell, I'd be better off doing old west rope tricks!

If you can make a noose out of it, you've given a whole new meaning to the term "being hung".
k¡tty said:
Yep I know just what you mean Raina. Emi is coming down for the weekend and she was informed last night she has to go to the toy store with me. lol Those dudes that work there creep me out.

You're lucky to have creepy dudes working there. At the one I go to, there's these frumpy ladies that follow you around like it's a department store or something. I think they work on commission.

They're always asking if there's anything they can help you with, or if you have any questions. I'm soooo not going to ask for help in an adult toy store. If I can't find it by myself, I don't need it. lol
I am sure my lady would........but she'd have to get past my hand mouth or cock to get to her pussy first......

But she is a horny little shit! :devil: :devil: :D
I've recently begun to wonder how many times I'd have to masturbate before the fluid loss killed me.
Star of Penumbra said:
I've recently begun to wonder how many times I'd have to masturbate before the fluid loss killed me.

Your heart would probably give up before then actually.