Have you ever had an Unsatisfying Phonecall?

I have, it was the time the bank said yes I was overdrawn after I was swearing I wasnt.
most all phone calls seem to be unsatisfying to me.... i can't stand the phone..

evidently, i'm a low-talker on the phone and have to keep repeating myself... of course, others have said they like the fact that have to listen to hear... *shrug* it's given me a complex so i avoid the phone like the plague...

maybe i'm just not talking to the right people....
*bratcat* said:
Yea, I know. Unsatisfying and phones shouldn't be in the same sentence...but.....ever have all the right buttons pushed, great greetings, conversing, goodbyes...but still...you feel there has to be MORE to it?

Explain this to me.

perhaps the vibrating switch wasnt turned on all the way?
unsatisfying in which way? sex you mean?

I had a nice talk with someone very early this morning, but it wasn't phone sex. Yet I was still satisfied after hanging up the phone.
yes in the distracted category, but more often than not, they are satisfying to me in every other way.

The thing I wish about last night, was more time, but because of the situation it didn't work out. Were things left unsaid? I don't think so.

There's always another phone call or IM's if there are things left to be said at all.
damn.... now i'm getting jealous.. i need to find new phone friends...

I only ever seem to talk to my parents.. and well, that's just not the same i don't think..

