Have you ever been to a national party convention?


Hooded On A Hill
May 27, 2004
I've got the DNC stuff on CNN in the background, and it occurred to me that I have no idea what a convention is actually like. Anyone got insight/experience?
It's like the wind blowing...it makes noise but nothing is there.. *shrug*
I've got the DNC stuff on CNN in the background, and it occurred to me that I have no idea what a convention is actually like. Anyone got insight/experience?

In university as a "Young Conservative" (imagine that) I provided "security" at the conservative conventions, where my job at the hotel convention center was to try and keep an eye on the premier's wife, who was something of a drunken whore.

Good times. Lots of bullshit, booze and sex in stairwells, supply closets, etc.
I've only been to the DFL conventions in Minnesota.
Nope! But I went to Youth Assembly in the 10th grade. Does that count?
You would think, but not so much!

Hahaha, I actually lost my virginity at a Christian summer camp. I don't think that was supposed to happen but I was certainly saying "oh God" a lot.
Hahaha, I actually lost my virginity at a Christian summer camp. I don't think that was supposed to happen but I was certainly saying "oh God" a lot.

Lost mine in a tent, but there was no church event involved! Unless you count a performance of "Fiddler on the Roof". :cool:
i'm in the 'never been' box. a good friend of mine went to the DNC in college. she came back super charged and ready to change the world.
A friend of mine was at the rnc this year. Guess it was all rigged, or so a lot of em claim. Other then that he had fun.

Politics are always rigged though so big suprise.