Have all income taxes been strictly voluntary?


Jul 29, 2000

Irwin Schiff says that all taxes paid have been voluntary due to the improper ratification of the sixteenth admendment (Currently receiving no votes on the favorite admendment poll). He's filed hundreds of zero income tax reports for his clients and written a book - which has just been banned recently from sales. (technically an injunction against him profiting from it during some legal hearings I believe)

Here's what he says:
"I initially formed my belief that the payment of income taxes was “voluntary” because I ran across a number of official, Government documents that all said so. For example this one page from an Internal Revenue Manual (click here) states that the income is based on “voluntary compliance” or “voluntary” payment no less than 11 times. My confusion concerning what I believed was the voluntary nature of the income tax is the result of my belief that the Government used the term “voluntary” in its normal sense. I never suspected that when the Government said that “compliance” with respect to income taxes was “voluntary,” they really meant “compliance” was “compulsory.” The Court’s Order that when the Government claims that the income tax is based on “voluntary compliance” they really mean it is based on “compulsory compliance” now persuades me that I was wrong. I therefore want to apologize to my students for misleading and confusing them on this issue."

Are you willing to do it?

Might want to check out his copyright first...

Copyright: Warning: This site should not be relied upon as constituting legal advice, but all information contained herein, should be verified against the statutes as they appear in the Internal Revenue Code, and relevant court decisions.

He's been doing it for thirteen years and he hasn't been arrested (many of his clients have tho')

BUY NOW: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...002-6212617-9636863?v=glance&s=books&n=507846