Hashtag (a.k.a. dishrag) and Personality Disorders

Which disorders does hashtag exhibit?

  • Victim mentality.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Bestiality.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Autism/Aspergers.

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Narcissism.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Bipolar Personality Disorder.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Megalomania.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Inferiority complex.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Superiority complex.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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You giggled with and encouraged those two creeps to stalk me too.
Just like FerminaDaza.

And when I told you girls off, you pulled the classical passive aggressive moves and upped your game.

Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
And get the hell over it.


I'm not being passive aggressive. I'm saying point blank you have a serious problem.

And that you're a grade A attention whoring hypocrite.
I'm off this thread.
You greasy bunch repulse me. You deserve each other.


he he he he ehheeee

Hey Zumi.

You keep whinging about those who use the "n" word. Yet you have no qualms encouraging and endorsing those who call posters "prairee nigger", "pakis", "gooks" and '"gipsies".

What? Just because you're black, you think you should be treated differently than anyone esle?
You're a racist pos too.


I sometimes poke you for fun but there's no malice in that and I have nothing against you Zumi. And tbh, you never endorsed those who stalked me, which was cool & classy of you.
Why start now?
Hey Zumi.

You keep whinging about those who use the "n" word. Yet you have no qualms encouraging and endorsing those who call posters "prairee nigger", "pakis", "gooks" and '"gipsies".

What? Just because you're black, you think you should be treated differently than anyone esle?
You're a racist pos too.

Off the thread he says....:rolleyes:

You seriously can't be this ridiculously stupid.

Can you?

Has it ever occurred to you, between your bouts of waving your 'poor, blameless me VICTIM CARD' about, that you are not treated badly, but are instead treated accordingly?

Besides your other histrionic characteristics, you're an asshole, and folks just treat you like the asshole you are. Dude, your 'woe is me' attention-whoring schtick has jumped the shark. You're a bigger fake-cancer to the boards than your racist bum-chum, busybooby.
Maybe I am confused. Can you be stalked if you willfully come back to a place you know the stalker will be? Isn't that the same thing as a victim of domestic violence going back and living with the abuser?

Just some food for thought. I'm assuming this stalker isn't violating any rules and that is why they are still allowed to post. So at this point the burden would be on the victim to either stop posting or change their ID.

Random thoughts by John Handy.
It can be a little confusing.

Hashtag is the stalker, doing the stalking.

The rest is drama, and him bleating about being an innocent victim.

Quite silly, really. Histrionic attention seeking.
Maybe I am confused. Can you be stalked if you willfully come back to a place you know the stalker will be? Isn't that the same thing as a victim of domestic violence going back and living with the abuser?

Just some food for thought. I'm assuming this stalker isn't violating any rules and that is why they are still allowed to post. So at this point the burden would be on the victim to either stop posting or change their ID.

Random thoughts by John Handy.

Not to.mention writing your stalkers name across your chest and forehead. Yeah, the poor guy is suffering at the hands of big meanies.
So hash is keen on providing amateur psychological diagnoses, no matter that this is highly unethical and unscrupulous. But what about hashtag itself? In the time it has disgraced the forum, it has displayed a broad range of plausible personality disorders, paraphilia, and neuroses.

Please vote your conscience, and comment below.

I am very sorry but I have to take exception with your poll. You missed one of the most important and visible pathosis she/he/it is struck with: chronic, severe Assholitis.

The symptoms and repercussions of this condition are: incessantly using informal logic fallacies in a debate; histrionics; claiming to be the victim while attacking another poster; substituting insults for logical arguments and lastly just being a dick (cunt).

Wait a minute! I think there are more then one 'round these parts suffering from this! Anybody know of a cure, treatment or preventative? Other then a good dose of the ignore button or a reaction of ROTFLMAO at anything they post? No? Aw cay, I guess I'll have to stick with the two I have.

Has it ever occurred to you, between your bouts of waving your 'poor, blameless me VICTIM CARD' about, that you are not treated badly, but are instead treated accordingly?

And what exactly are you? You fucking rapist in the making

The representative of all the cheaters and advocates of open marriage in the GB?
You lot make me puke. You don't belong in the GB,
And what exactly are you? You fucking rapist in the making

The representative of all the cheaters and advocates of open marriage in the GB?
You lot make me puke. You don't belong in the GB,

Online or not, you don't behave with the composure of any doctor I've ever known.

If by some set of freak occurrences you are in the medical profession, that is only evidence the system isn't perfect.
I'm not exaggerating, when I say that Emerson behaves like rapist, and RobDownSouth - with his relentless stalking of posters and posters' daughters… well, not too far off.

It's an anomaly that the GB finds their behaviors to be normal.
But then, it's a forum close to other porn boards.
Given that you never studied anything after high school, am I surprised that you derride others, "Em"?
Did you even attend College?
I'm not exaggerating, when I say that Emerson behaves like rapist, and RobDownSouth - with his relentless stalking of posters and posters' daughters… well, not too far off.

It's an anomaly that the GB finds their behaviors to be normal.
But then, it's a forum close to other porn boards.

It is a porn board. And you won't find reputable doctors proffering offhand psychological diagnoses from misinterpreted circumstantial evidence (on a porn board!) anywhere. Even if they happen to be ESL immigrants. :rolleyes:
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