Has cyber sex changed you?


Literotica Guru
Dec 1, 2012
I'm curious about whether cybering/chatting has changed anyone. Maybe it caused you to consider things you wouldn't have considered before?

I have talked to several women that opened up about their secret fantasies, then went on to explore them further. Has this happened to many folks on these boards? Thanks
I have never cybered but it seems t me that it would really help ones sexual imagination greatly
I don't cyber. Not interested in virtual drag queens.

If I wanted to talk dirty with other men, I'd go to a gay bar.
Yes, it has changed me for sure (and I'd say for the better), it opened my eyes about my dominant side:
I was sexually bored (I can make myself orgasm, but still) and initially I joined Lit because I wanted to find a partner for a sexual role play via email (I had done a completely non-sexual role play with friends in real life which was great, but for obvious reasons I was hesitant to ask them for a sexual one too) which worked great. Then, one day, I learned that my uncle's lung cancer was back and I was very down. So I posted on and thread to find someone to comfort me that night. Two men replied and they were just awesome, they actually made me laugh that night. One of them was a young college student and we kept chatting the following week, still completely non-sexual. About a week after we had talked first he was in college in the library and told me as a fun fact on the side that he had forgotten to do the laundry and did not wear briefs. I asked him how it felt and then things took a turn. Before I knew I made him taste his precum in the library (which he had never done before) and then masturbate in the single person restroom, eating all his cum afterwards. He was so turned on we did the same 20 minutes later again, only that he was naked and on his knees in the restroom this time. Oh god, I was turned on beyond belief, but it took me 10 days (and many talks with the young man) to come to terms with it and the image I had (and still have) of myself. And that's how I found out.
Yes, it has changed me for sure (and I'd say for the better), it opened my eyes about my dominant side:
I was sexually bored (I can make myself orgasm, but still) and initially I joined Lit because I wanted to find a partner for a sexual role play via email (I had done a completely non-sexual role play with friends in real life which was great, but for obvious reasons I was hesitant to ask them for a sexual one too) which worked great. Then, one day, I learned that my uncle's lung cancer was back and I was very down. So I posted on and thread to find someone to comfort me that night. Two men replied and they were just awesome, they actually made me laugh that night. One of them was a young college student and we kept chatting the following week, still completely non-sexual. About a week after we had talked first he was in college in the library and told me as a fun fact on the side that he had forgotten to do the laundry and did not wear briefs. I asked him how it felt and then things took a turn. Before I knew I made him taste his precum in the library (which he had never done before) and then masturbate in the single person restroom, eating all his cum afterwards. He was so turned on we did the same 20 minutes later again, only that he was naked and on his knees in the restroom this time. Oh god, I was turned on beyond belief, but it took me 10 days (and many talks with the young man) to come to terms with it and the image I had (and still have) of myself. And that's how I found out.

Ok, let's cyber. Unless your a dude of course LOL
It hasn't really changed me but I can see it broadening some horizons... after all cyber is 75% imagination and 25% making shit up....
I don't cyber. Not interested in virtual drag queens.

If I wanted to talk dirty with other men, I'd go to a gay bar.

I'm not saying for one minute that doesn't happen, on the contrary, I 'm sure it happens a lot, but their are genuine and very rewarding relationships to be had, I can vouch for that.
I don't know if it has changed me, but it certainly does make ones scope of possibilities a whole lot broader.
And yes, it has changed me in that it has added a new and exciting dimension to my sex life.
Ditto that! I was purely a "stories girl" until wandering over to this forum a couple of months ago. Wow! I'd clearly repressed more than I'd realized. *whistles nonchalantly*

i must agree. cyber lets me do/say things i might not otherwise do or say. it has also given me more confidence in my RL
i must agree. cyber lets me do/say things i might not otherwise do or say. it has also given me more confidence in my RL

Exactly! Outside of our bedroom my co-workers would regard me as very reserved.

I've even been able to explore some things here that I've wandered about and kept to myself.
Exactly! Outside of our bedroom my co-workers would regard me as very reserved.

I've even been able to explore some things here that I've wandered about and kept to myself.

ive been with many men and women, but cyber lets me push the envelope a bit
Cybersex has caused a big change in me. It made me think alot more about the psychology behind sex which opened up a number of doors in my mind. I took risks I never thought I would take by meeting a woman in RL that I was having alot of cyber and phone sex with. In this case, the reality was even better than the fantasy. The sex with her is explosive and intense. There was a sleeping Dom in me that I didn't know existed. We fed off each other and just kept reaching newer and newer heights. I had never had so much sex and been so hard in a 24 hour period in my life! I can't wait to do it again and again!
Most definitely.

I'm able to explore situations I might not normally explore with a partner. I'm able to live out my deepest, darkest fantasizes without actually hurting myself or others in the process (as quite a few of mine are morbid by society's standards).

I enjoy teasing and arousing my online partner just as much as he enjoys doing it to me. And we both get what we want as we both know what the other likes, so it's a win/win. ;)
changed me?


i've always been dirty...

now i'm filthy =)

Are we including the whole range of remote play here, from text to phone (or some form of voice transmission) to still pics or webcams?

I'd say that text-only helped me to become more open to possibilities and, like the Internet itself, gave me access to partners I'd never have found otherwise.

Bigger changes started to happen after I found Lit. Someone there who I'd been playing with via PM suggested that we call each other. Sometimes you have to take a chance, she said.

She was right.

Phone sex and D/s play proved to be a whole new world.