Harvard study finds implicit racial bias strongest in conservative, republican white males

Hell, I could have told Harvard this without a test. I live in Arkansas and am a proud NON-Christo-Fascist Conservative. I can't fucking stand them and they are rapidly crawling their way into power in all levels of government. But I know an almost overwhelming number of conservative White people, most of them middle-aged and up, who sing and preach about love on Sundays and then bitch about the Hispanic, Black, and LGBTQ servers in the post-church lunch. Hell, in regular conversations they fucking whisper those words rather than say them out loud. I'm not making that up.

I love where I live. Too bad I don't care for the citizens.
much as i agree it seems to be money for stating the obvious, the fact that this is Harvard and it is now an 'official' finding, means it goes on record and adds weight to what many people already recognise as a fact. So when the deniers deny the existence of such implicit racism, the study can be pointed to as a 'there ya go, dipshit' response

Yeah, water is wet.

But enough about implicit racial bias

The recent incidents of explicit institutional racism kinda makes the point of that study moot.

Of course, those recent incidents of institutional racism were quickly back-paged by the media for “some” reason.

The only people I see shouting about race and white supremacy are either Democrats or black and brown people. Of course, Harvard didn't even look in that direction.
The only people I see shouting about race and white supremacy are either Democrats or black and brown people. Of course, Harvard didn't even look in that direction.
Are they shouting or do you just hear shouting? How many threads about race are in this forum and who creates them?
About as white as white can be. Almost Albino except for no pink eyes. Pure white hair too.