Harry Potter Anyone?


Really Experienced
May 25, 2002
Well, I just went to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and thought that it is much better than the first movie. I was wondering what other people thought of the movie as well as their thoughts on the hype surrounding it. Why some people love it and some people hate it.


Well I havent seen the second movie yet cause it isnt out yet over here.
But I thought the first one was nice besides that I had a different idea of the castle I immagined it to be cosyer (how do you spell that?) and I thought the invisibility cloak suckt in the book it´s silvery in the movie it looks like a rug and proffesor Dumbledore looked a bit more strickt then I thought he would. But besides from those 3 things I thought movie one was nice. And as to the hype over here it´s pretty much over cause nothing new happend for too long (no new book and the new movie took a year so most people lost interest, out of sight out of mind) And as for the hype we had, I thought I was nice but the stuff they created didnt really cut it like the every flavour berty blotts it were like 5 flavours and every time the same ones and none of em were actually weird or jakkie (ok thats what I thought tomato and carrot isnt supposed to be sweet) And the chocolat frogs the card was supposed to be in them not underneath them. But basically I liked it I really liked the little owl cuddelytoy´s.

Haven't seen it yet, but might get a chance to go with my six year old tomorrow night( wife will be at work lol). We both want to see it. I, personally, really enjoyed the books.
poundemin said:
Haven't seen it yet, but might get a chance to go with my six year old tomorrow night( wife will be at work lol). We both want to see it. I, personally, really enjoyed the books.

Hey Pound!!! :kiss:

I'm going tomorrow afternoon to see it actually. I as well loved the books. But then again, anything about magic and wizardry capture my attention. :D

I'll see you on the no sex thread and we'll talk about what we liked about it..LoL :D

:kiss: 'es to you and wifey!!!