Harper’s Reckoning


Word maker upperer
Aug 13, 2022
Harper’s Reckoning - Infidelity has consequences

Why am I creating a thread about one story (apart from rampant self-promotion)? Well because I can of course. Also as this was a big “stepping out of my comfort zone” thing for me. I have never got the Loving Wives concept and it really has little interest for me. But if I can do my own take on Tentacle Porn, surely I can do my own take on marital infidelity.

Also I should thank @NoTalentHack for showing me that you could write humane and interesting stories in the category.

As an aside, how come no Loving Husbands, is that shit just not hot? Why not burn the bastard stories? Anyway…

So, I was determined to write my own story, in my own way, while making sure it fit within the concept, which I truly believe it does.

I’ll admit to getting up in the night and blurrily checking what was going on. At that point it was at ⭐️1.56. Having woken up 30 mins early today, it’s now pushing to the mid ⭐️2.x level. I’m not sure if that is pleasing or not, TBH. I wasn’t going for ratings.

Rather disappointingly, the text has a bunch of annoying typos. One of which, right at the end, is really fucking annoying. Even more so as I fixed all of them before. For once I did a bit of editing on the PC rather than exclusively my phone and I think I managed to override some earlier edits and didn’t notice 👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️. Oh well, I have fixed in my local version, but that won’t be up for weeks. Nothing to be done, but still 😢.

Anyway. I’m going to share the comments here. They have been lovely so far, then maybe the ones theatening to beat me to within an inch of my life haven’t got through moderation.

I’ve had a handful of people getting it and even some 5⭐️ ratings and favorites. Much more than I was expecting, TBH.

I’ll keep adding comments below.

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by Icarusascending on 3 hours ago

I like it. Had good feel in its simplicity, but pretty original, at least for this catagory

by dmallord on 2 hours ago

Lady – you are probably going to be flamed for this one. I expected it to be a burn the bitch story. That's a new term I've learned here. But this was a head twister when I realized [spoiler] ... you're a glutton for punishment, girl. Still, I give this a five-star rating for a well-told story and a nice twist in this category. I hope others don't lash your posterior [spoiler].

by 300WSM on 29 minutes ago

Loved the concept and the story, not everything has to be the same.

by payenbrant on 20 minutes ago

Well written, might be better for fetish than loving wives category. If it was in fetish would give it a 5. Since it is in loving wives I give it a three. Your writing is spot on though. Nice little twists put in. Will love to read more of your work

by proverbialasshole on 16 minutes ago

You hid well the fact that [spoiler], so it truly was a twist. I had to reread part of the story to find where I missed the clues, but I still didn't see any, so you managed well with the twist. On the other hand, [spoiler]. To be honest, I was a bit miffed after I got what happened, but it still is a good story. Only it feels to me like the wrong category, but other categories have blurred lines as well. Dunno, up to the ppl I guess.

by Karl_Hundasson on 11 minutes ago

I wouldn't have read this if it had been labelled [spoiler], but I enjoyed it. Great story with a good twist at the end and accurately placed in LW. 5*

by someoneother on 4 minutes ago

This is not a LW story. Should be in [spoiler], where I could have ignored it.
An FYI: I have the world’s tiniest fan club of people who comment on virtually everything I write. They are mostly people I know via some interaction other than just the forums. I love all two of them dearly, but I asked them to not comment on HR lest they a) pollute the purity of the comments section and b) open themselves up to abuse, any Incel abuse is on me, no one else.


by SerradaC on 17 minutes ago

First Emily OMG this is so good. The haters are right, Loving Wives does not deserve this gem. Most of the basement dwellers who inhabit this category and who spend their days trying to figure out what a woman is in real life, will hate everything about it. Even with typos it is better than 90% of the dross that is usually here. Right this moment I am in love. Everything about this story is genuine and well done, typos not withstanding. As far as categories, yes it could have been in Lesbian and the poor incels could carry on wanking over women and problems they will never have, but but it would not have been so perfectly placed as it is here. Thank you for this story, thank you for having balls bigger than most of the readers of this category and putting it here, just thank you. Five stars of course, a fav story, and a new follower.

by SerradaC on 17 minutes ago

First Emily OMG this is so good. The haters are right, Loving Wives does not deserve this gem. Most of the basement dwellers who inhabit this category and who spend their days trying to figure out what a woman is in real life, will hate everything about it. Even with typos it is better than 90% of the dross that is usually here. Right this moment I am in love. Everything about this story is genuine and well done, typos not withstanding. As far as categories, yes it could have been in Lesbian and the poor incels could carry on wanking over women and problems they will never have, but but it would not have been so perfectly placed as it is here. Thank you for this story, thank you for having balls bigger than most of the readers of this category and putting it here, just thank you. Five stars of course, a fav story, and a new follower.
he/she is my new spirit animal :ROFLMAO:
Harper’s Reckoning - Infidelity has consequences

Also I should thank @NoTalentHack for showing me that you could write humane and interesting stories in the category.

As an aside, how come no Loving Husbands, is that shit just not hot? Why not burn the bastard stories? Anyway…
I've talked about this a little bit, but it's mostly because, when the site was first started, the idea of a husband cheating on a wife was "normal," while the idea of a wife cheating on a husband was "kinky." Anal is still a category (and a very popular one, admittedly), even though there's tons of anal all over the site; its existent is mostly a quaint throwback to a time before almost half of all adults had tried anal. Interracial is another one that used to be "kinky," because, well, *waves hands at US history*. It used to be stuff that mostly belonged in Romance or EC, except for focus on the difference in skin color. LW would benefit, I think, from being changed to "Loving Spouses;" you'd see interesting stories about cheating husbands, for one, and probably a lot less blatant misogyny. Maybe not initially, but eventually.

At any rate:

I've talked about this a little bit, but it's mostly because, when the site was first started, the idea of a husband cheating on a wife was "normal," while the idea of a wife cheating on a husband was "kinky." Anal is still a category (and a very popular one, admittedly), even though there's tons of anal all over the site; its existent is mostly a quaint throwback to a time before almost half of all adults had tried anal. Interracial is another one that used to be "kinky," because, well, *waves hands at US history*. It used to be stuff that mostly belonged in Romance or EC, except for focus on the difference in skin color. LW would benefit, I think, from being changed to "Loving Spouses;" you'd see interesting stories about cheating husbands, for one, and probably a lot less blatant misogyny. Maybe not initially, but eventually.

At any rate:
That makes sense. I forget how long this place has been around. I think I’d make a good Rogue - with a few bodily adjustments of course.

More (including some of our own 😊):

by MrPixel on 23 minutes ago

I liked it. The missing gender references from the onset revealed the nature of the marriage; you get credit for trying, at least. Nice twist to wrap things up. Ignore the naysayers, it's a good one for LW that... oh, geez... just happened to break the same ol' formula. Good for you.

To be totally honest, Em, I have some difficulty with the clipped style you typically start your stories with. That said, I can feel it when you relax into the meat of the story, the flow becomes even and - dare I say - comfortable.

A well-deserved 5. Thank you.

by MajorRewrite on 18 minutes ago

"That's right bitches, is your skin burning yet? You bitches both deserve to burn." We see what you did there. BTB. Ha.

by haltwhogoesthere on 13 minutes ago

I really liked this, Emily. Yes a departure, but a pleasant surprise to find it in this category. Much more pleasant than finding dick in the the Lesbian category. There was one point there where Laurel addressed herself, but I'll take you at your word that some found error crept back into the published version. Anyway, I liked the way it came together, and would certainly like to find the future some day in another chapter, if you'd like!

by lc69hunter on 11 minutes ago

Damn, Em, you can write one hell of a love story, and at the end of the day, that is what this is

“To be totally honest, Em, I have some difficulty with the clipped style you typically start your stories with. That said, I can feel it when you relax into the meat of the story, the flow becomes even and - dare I say - comfortable.”

I try to be a punchier writer and often start that way. Then I revert to type and end up with meandering, parenthetical sentences and overly florid prose (example right here). It hadn’t occurred to me that anyone might like me being loquacious 😬.


“There was one point there where Laurel addressed herself, but I'll take you at your word that some found error crept back into the published version.”

That was the most annoying issue. Yes I had fixed it before. Second most annoying was make instead of naked in the epilogue. Also fixed in the “lost” version.

Not a big deal that I misspelt Pulitzer - it was obvious what I meant, but also previously fixed. So many uses of has when it should be had. S and D are obviously right next to each other.

Oh well. Fixed venison submitted and all will bw rectified in time.

That was entirely intentional. Hard to pull off two twists if you flag them in the tags.

Yeah, but you don’t need to flag twists. Just give a general flavour…flavour…flavour. Sorry, drifted off just there. Lingerie. One-night stand. Adultery. Temptation. Reluctant. Seduced. Secret Fantasy, etc. They don’t give much away but fill in the story fla…nope, not doing that one again. Story…feel.
by Migbird on 12 minutes ago

Mia in the middle — could not help myself. Delightfully erotic; loved the surprise/revelation and the ending. Glad you posted in LW — why not.

by Crios on 9 minutes ago

Most original Loving Wives story I've read in a long time. Wonderful twist at the end!

by Trionyx on 8 minutes ago

Interesting story. Liked it.
Others have mentioned this story should have been submitted in the [spoiler] categories and while I can’t totally disagree, I still think posting this in Loving Wives was perfectly appropriate.
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I know I redacted the things I’m now referring to. Yes I did consider the name-based approach. Went with what I did instead. Just a choice. I kinda wanted to leave breadcrumbs for the intelligent reader.

I assumed it was deliberate. Like running out to grab a burger at McDougal's. ;)
No it was an error - one that I had already fixed 😭.

I think I count nine errors, all of which I had fixed before. Oh well.

by 1Thinkingman on 23 minutes ago

I'm giving ***** for the story, for the writing, for the fact I didn't see the twist coming. I have one question what was her kink she didn't reveal to Laura?