Harem Play/Fantasies


No Gentleman
Jul 14, 2005
let's talk about them!

I always fantasize about the things that go on when the Sultan isn't around. :cattail:
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A whole hell of a lot! No offense guys, but one guy, cannot service a whole harem and make sure every woman is satisfied. But I guess that is the point, not the harems pleasure but his. Or hers... hell I don't know. Though it might be fun to find out. :devil:
Well, from his point of view it's all about him. And when he shows up-- it becomes so. And that's part of the fun too.
I want a harem of young, shirtless men.

That may not count, though....:cool:
I want a harem of young, shirtless men.

That may not count, though....:cool:
Seems fair to me.

Ah...harems. Mmmm...yes. If I had one I'd like to line them all up, have them kneel down with their heads on the floor, hips tilted downward...perhaps a rope strung just over the small of their backs that they aren't allowed to touch, forcing them to make their asses and hips tilt and protrude as much as possible, presenting themselves to me. Then I can walk up and down the line and peruse them...almost like a military inspection. :)
They would have to be up on a bench thing, so you don't have to squat down and inconvenience yourself.

(We must not let this thread devolve into roleplay, yanno) ;)
i find the hierarchy within the harem pretty fascinating. i really don't know if i could handle that much estrogen and joint cycling. how does one find solitude in a harem?
I've had this fantasy too, girls showing the new girls how the sultan likes certain things, practicing pleasing each other, getting fore play in before the big show.
A friend of mine gave her boyfriend a harem night as a birthday present. She invited 4 of her friends to dress up and feed her boyfriend grapes and other pampering activities. They are all a little kinky so it ended up with grapes not being the only thing being eaten.

I wish I could have gone, too.
Where would you keep them? The hot tub alone would take up a lot of real estate...

On an asteroid maybe...

A hangar I guess.

I could maybe have them fight gladiatorial-style for me while I watch from a cushy chair in the gallery while sipping expensive tequila.

I'd totally have a crown, too. Like this:


And then I could easily see this seguing to a kidnapping/rape/slavery scenario when they decide they've had it with me, too but... that's another thread. :BBB
A whole hell of a lot! No offense guys, but one guy, cannot service a whole harem and make sure every woman is satisfied. But I guess that is the point, not the harems pleasure but his. Or hers... hell I don't know. Though it might be fun to find out. :devil:
I think that's part of the idea. These women are kept unsatisfied so when they are selected to join the sultan in a sexual way, they are um...more than ready to oblige.

And I'd guess any in the harem found to be satisfying themselves or others without the sultan's consent would be dealt with harshly. This would see to it that all of them are primed and ready for action. The last thing the sultan needs to hear is, "not tonight, I have a headache".
all i can picture is a life of petty infighting for neglible positions of authority over each other because that's all that's left to them in the hours and hours of boredom.
I think that's part of the idea. These women are kept unsatisfied so when they are selected to join the sultan in a sexual way, they are um...more than ready to oblige.

And I'd guess any in the harem found to be satisfying themselves or others without the sultan's consent would be dealt with harshly. This would see to it that all of them are primed and ready for action. The last thing the sultan needs to hear is, "not tonight, I have a headache".
No woman under my care would be unwilling to oblige her Sultan!

I keep them primed. As we know from so many conversations here, a woman who gets lots of orgasms always wants more. A woman who is denied-- has headaches.
No woman under my care would be unwilling to oblige her Sultan!

I keep them primed. As we know from so many conversations here, a woman who gets lots of orgasms always wants more. A woman who is denied-- has headaches.

I agree! Hip, hip!
I think that's part of the idea. These women are kept unsatisfied so when they are selected to join the sultan in a sexual way, they are um...more than ready to oblige.

And I'd guess any in the harem found to be satisfying themselves or others without the sultan's consent would be dealt with harshly. This would see to it that all of them are primed and ready for action. The last thing the sultan needs to hear is, "not tonight, I have a headache".

Or, dude - Susie is way better at this than you.
I find it unsettling that girls from specific families would be taken from childhood and taught to serve in hareems, there was never a choice for them :(
It could be fun to dress up like Princess Jasmine and lounge around all day being pretty so long as there was a well-stocked naughty library and maybe an air hockey table.
I think that's part of the idea. These women are kept unsatisfied so when they are selected to join the sultan in a sexual way, they are um...more than ready to oblige.

And I'd guess any in the harem found to be satisfying themselves or others without the sultan's consent would be dealt with harshly. This would see to it that all of them are primed and ready for action. The last thing the sultan needs to hear is, "not tonight, I have a headache".

Your theory doesn't hold. Ann Landers was right, use it or lose it. Long periods without sexual pleasure, partnered or self, leads to lack of libido. They'd all have to fake it, which as I understand isn't that uncommon within the world of heterosexual relationships, present company excepted.

Being the sultan is a man, I'm sure a little girl on girl play would be a huge turn on. I don't think for a minute he didn't have a few threesomes or moresome and what are the women to do while his little thingy hangs limply between his legs.

If I had a harem we'd all play nicely together. And wouldn't it be fun to turn all those male servents into eunuchs.:D
Your theory doesn't hold. Ann Landers was right, use it or lose it. Long periods without sexual pleasure, partnered or self, leads to lack of libido. They'd all have to fake it, which as I understand isn't that uncommon within the world of heterosexual relationships, present company excepted.

Being the sultan is a man, I'm sure a little girl on girl play would be a huge turn on. I don't think for a minute he didn't have a few threesomes or moresome and what are the women to do while his little thingy hangs limply between his legs.

If I had a harem we'd all play nicely together. And wouldn't it be fun to turn all those male servents into eunuchs.:D
I understand what you say and I agree with you. And who should even think about doubting Ann Landers? But any sultan worth his salt shouldn't have a harem larger than his desires. If he does, he will experience what you say. Wikipedia has a definition for harem and a part of it I've quoted below.

Much of the plot of The Janissary Tree – a 2006 historical crime novel by Jason Goodwin, set in Istanbul in 1836 – takes place in the Sultan's harem, with the main protagonist being the eunuch detective Yashim. The book in many ways aims to overturn the above stereotypes and rooted conventions. For example, in one scene the Sultan groans inwardly when a new concubine is brought to his bed, since he does not feel sexual at all and would much rather send her away and curl up with a book. He does not, however, have that option; were he to reject the concubine, "she would spend the whole night crying bitterly, by the morning the whole palace will hear that the Sultan has become impotent, by noon all Istanbul will know it, and within a week the rumor will reach the entire empire."

I just skimmed over the topic. I didn't find anything about orgies or multiple sexual scenes, but like you say, if he's a man, he would prefer more than one woman at a time on occasion. I've personally experienced that and it is well worth the drain it puts on your um...body.

So, with all of this information, I don't think a sultan would risk taking on more women than he could handle, because it could ultimately be bad for his ego. My guess is any self respecting sultan had a LARGE ego.
So, with all of this information, I don't think a sultan would risk taking on more women than he could handle, because it could ultimately be bad for his ego. My guess is any self respecting sultan had a LARGE ego.

In other words he never had more than one woman. May I add few men can truly handle one woman let alone two or more. Need I say more!:rolleyes: