Happy Valentines day!

Pixie Mischief

Master's kitten
Nov 15, 2002
Wish my sweetie had been here to spend it with me but it turned out pretty good anyways!!
and it would seem he knows whats good for him LOL I have no money I'm broke. wanted to get a calling card to call him but I have no money.. On my own birthday to talk to my boyfriend I had to call him!!! MY BIRTHDAY! that upset me anyways. He refuses to tell me what my valentines day present is. I know its when hes comes here.. involves holding me..kissing me.. and a little massage but wont say anymore. TEASE! :rolleyes: I know better then to nag him about it. I guess I will have to do what he said and wait and see LOL I'm very curious.Anyway hehe he obviously knew whats good for him because he got a calling card finally so he could call me for V day :D anyway see I have a problem I need to tell him more about that. Anyway I normaly masterbate once a day everyday. So I'm never horny. and the more I play.. the longer it takes to cum. He got angry with me.. well first time its cause I was horny and he had to go.. But kinda hinted about the next night. I had kinda said that I wouldnt play but... Did. BIG MISTAKE. which I learned my lesson. He was angry. Said he wasnt. But he was. Saying I should have more faith and trust in him and if he says something he usualy will do it. He keept asking me why I did it if I said I wouldnt.. I had no answer.. so he pretty much sent me to my corner told me that I need to go and think with no music no tv no book and just think about things. hm I realized things werent a game. Anyway a few weeks later got angry at me again well angry nah but lecture. Saying how I always masterbate and never horny for him And he doesnt want me to do things for him if I'm not horny (Since when do men complain about girls pleasing them even if there not horny?) and that he wants us to do things when I'm horny to. and well I slowed down abit.. And then I did masterbate once and I said so. And he made a comment cause it had been a week for him.. But I had once in that week played. I was like "I just did once!!! thats all" and he said "Once matters a great deal when its been a while" so.. yeah I'm not aloud to masterbate anymore.. he didnt say it.. but very obvious.. I cant argue. he has good reasons. BEsides he never masterbates unless talking with me. So its was pretty selfish of me. Anyway so I only masterbate with him or if said otherwise. See I have a problem.. I cant cum for him. Tried we have tried. only time he was able to was by sticking a vibrating egg on my clit *Cringes* but that doesnt could because I have no control at all over that. Weather I Want to cum or not I will. I kinda did once but wasnt really cumming kinda just said it was to please him. I know its important to him that I cum. I had exagerated it. Anyway today it had been a week since I played. I cant cum on the phone or in person just cant seem to.. As of today.. I know its not only cause I use to masterbate so much. I know its emotional. I cant let go. I'm very shy. and I'm not a person who shares her feelings with people easility. I think that interfears. My not opening up easy. I need to break of that. He and I are gonna need to work on that aspect. But I finally did cum today :D :D I am like the happiest girl on earth! LOL OMG almost died of embarrasement right after I did.. was right almost done. his mom picked up the phone :eek: had to bite my tongue really hard so I wouldnt laugh. Reason I know part of it is me.. is cause I had trouble cumming for several minutes I was at the edge. normally if I hadnt played for a week.. I wouldnt have that trouble.. and I didnt cum as hard as I should have
Nervous and shy and embarrased and stuff I think thats it. I suppose the way to cure that is to do it more. but I finally did it hehe

<- big grin on her face

Hope everyone else had a wonderful day!!! I'm gonna be going to bed with a big proud grin hehe

:heart: :rose: :kiss:

*sorry for the rambling.. just very happy hehe and didnt think the general board would understand or anything LOL*
found out stuff I assumed and was right. from now on with him.. I will believe my assumptions if they have good basis. I always got the impression when he was here that he was alot rougher at the end then at the begining.

he was saying on the phone about how I think I am fragile (if you read my new here thread then you know about my disability) that he wasnt "Gentle" with me and that he used as much preasure he did with his ex. I have a hard time to believe that. He was saying at first he was gentle. but he pushed a little more and more and more.. that he added abit more preasure each time. He said he is not one to just throw it all at once at a person. Especially in my case. so I was right. He was more gentle at first.. With everything.. I thank my lucky stars for that LOL or I'd have had trouble adjusting even more then I did (I had never had a bf or sex partner or date).

God Am I Happy! LMAO

*shuts up but could ramble on and on hehe*
*sits as she grins*
i hope you have the BEST Valentine's Day, love!

Just because you can't be with or contact your honey doesn't mean you can't be LOVED!

i think that's what the day is for. For one day a year, pull your head out of the clouds and admit that you love a LOT more than the "Special ONE".

There are so many people who can make your day with a single word, who you can turn to with a heartache, who can pull you up when you think you just want to lay face down in the mud and die.

You always pull the clouds out of the way for me, PixieLove:)

i hope to return the favor with a Valentine's :kiss: Kiss!

of course I love alot of things hehe

and I agree very much with what you said. and thank you!!

I'm still really happy hehe big grin god I need to sleep LOL

Now I need to figure out what to do for him. See hes his present to me is one night when he gets here he has a plan. he said his present from me to him. can be the next night. So a present from HIM to ME and then ME to HIM. hes got a plan but I'm clueless for mine LOL

god I need to stop grinning like a crazy person and sleep LOL