Happy People


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
sign in here!

Is the good outweighing the bad?

Are you happy with yourself?

Come on! I am sure that there are a few happy people out there.

Or is it way uncool?


Thanks, ck, for the inspiration.

I've always got a smile on! :) Can't help it. I've got some wonderful thoughts continuously running through my mind. Smiling and being happy immediately follow...the thoughts...yah thats it just the thoughts :D
calypso_21 said:
I've always got a smile on! :) Can't help it. I've got some wonderful thoughts continuously running through my mind. Smiling and being happy immediately follow...the thoughts...yah thats it just the thoughts :D


I'm smiling and lurking... ty Caly. :)
I'm kind of nuetral. Anything positive could boost me into the happy zone right now.

(I like chocolate and gift certificates *wink*)
calypso_21 said:
I've always got a smile on! :) Can't help it. I've got some wonderful thoughts continuously running through my mind. Smiling and being happy immediately follow...the thoughts...yah thats it just the thoughts :D

I may not wear that smile, 24/7...

but am smiling inside.

Hmm seems a long time coming!

Care to share those thoughts?

Of course I'm happy!

Just not on that other thread where I'm all fulla woe and sackcloth! ;)

(Wiggles...I don't have gift certificates, but I do have a couple Dark Chocolate bars and adoring eyes. Good enough?)
JazzManJim said:

(Wiggles...I don't have gift certificates, but I do have a couple Dark Chocolate bars and adoring eyes. Good enough?)

Ummm, yeah!

I mean... that'll do.

i'm a happy, happy boy.

i live in a great part of texas, i'm self employed, i enjoy the company of a couple of great ladies, live close enough to my daughter to see her as often as i want and am relatively debt free. if you ever catch me being very unhappy for very long you have my permission to just kick th livin' crap outa me.
MissTaken said:

Thanks, marksgirl!

Stand and be counted all!


I'm so happy right now MissTaken if fact that I'm about to pop! Feeling down right giddy in fact! :D
Wiggles said:
Ummm, yeah!

I mean... that'll do.


I also have half a quart of chocolate milk, but that's mine.

Mmmmm....chocolate milk.....

C'mon over! We'll have chocolate fondue with strawberries. :D
it's a little early for the smokeables isn't it marksgirl?:D
Howdy. I am very happy. Bob Ross comes on in a few, and I am cozying up with some sugar free cocoa, and my blanky and watching this good shit. Then we'll see our friends, one who is a member here Dragonfly420, and we'll possibly hang out for a while at their place. Then when I come home I'll paint for many an hour this evening, than Irie will fuck me and put me to bed.

What is to complain about that? :D
Speaking of happy, unclej!

I listened to a certain CD just a couple of days ago and it made me quite happy! There was an awful lot of twang in it and it put a smile right on my face. I even danced a bit. :)
marksgirl said:
I'm so happy right now MissTaken if fact that I'm about to pop! Feeling down right giddy in fact! :D

Me too! ;)

Silly, I guess.

We are going to have a snow storm.
I don't know if I can make the fuel last til monday.

I am starving and need to get groceries.

The cat box needs cleaning, but I am flippin happy!
MissTaken said:
I may not wear that smile, 24/7...

but am smiling inside.

Hmm seems a long time coming!

Care to share those thoughts?


To be quite honest I am rarely without a smile. Is just how I am always. Smiling on the inside is extremely important. I'm pretty much a happy go lucky kinda gal. I have my moments but I prefer sunshine to gray clouds any day. ;) Laughter alone makes my day.
*grooves his way into the thread*

I'm happy... I'm better than happy, I'm grooveworthy with a capital groove :D.

Even when I'm depressed I look happy (I'm one of those people who, unless the topic I'm depressed about is brought up, is always happy and cheerful).

Oh and wiggles... I haven't got chocolate, but here's a gift certificate.

*hands Wiggles a gift certificate for a free viewing of a naked Lord David* ;)
thanks jimmie...you can't know how good that makes me feel. and i've noticed a neat change in your attitude around here lately. you seem very positive and happy and i'm glad for ya.

now just wut da hail yu mean, twang?
unclej said:
now just wut da hail yu mean, twang?

Dude, I'm not saying that it's twangy, but when put that CD on I had the unerring urge to pop up out of a cornfield. ;)

And thanks. I ain't perfect, but I'm as good as I get. :D
cornfields are ok but if you're gonna have a country attack go for the hayloft. much more fun.