For some of us this takes on an all new meaning.

Wanted to apologize for bieng in a foul mood and deleting threads/responces
Now back to the question(s) at hand so to speak:
1) Is it possible for nerves to become damaged so someone could not enjoy vaginal sex? I am refering to a lady friend of mine btw.
2)For the ladies who don't spit or swallow b/c they don't like the taste do u prefer to see it spurt out on your boobs or other body part?

Wanted to apologize for bieng in a foul mood and deleting threads/responces
Now back to the question(s) at hand so to speak:
1) Is it possible for nerves to become damaged so someone could not enjoy vaginal sex? I am refering to a lady friend of mine btw.
2)For the ladies who don't spit or swallow b/c they don't like the taste do u prefer to see it spurt out on your boobs or other body part?