Happy Cannon Fodder Day!


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Yes, folks, today is Imperialist Cannon Fodder Day. The ruling class, and their flunky Bush, have been using it to try to whip up war frenzy among a reluctant American populace, which really doesn't want to invade Iraq. So here's my tribute to all you unfortunate wretches who have been sucked into the U.S. Imperial military by the poverty draft, and now are about to be led off to the slaughter in the Middle East, and to all the poor deluded wretches who have been used as cannon fodder by the U.S. ruling class, then callously cast aside when no longer useful.

Having been in the Imperial Army myself, I know the many wondrous treats of military life: being abused and reviled by a bunch of barely literate redneck lifer scumbags, kicked out of bed in the early morning before dawn, forced to do menial labor like picking up cigarette butts, cleaning latrines, etc. But those are the minor things. They pale before the larger atrocities.

An excellent example of how AmeriKKKa "rewards" its veterans is provided by the true story of the Bonus Army in 1932. WW1 veterans were voted "bonuses" by Congress, but had to wait twenty years to collect them. In 1932, many of them were ut of work, hungry, and desperate (just as many are today!), so they marched on Washington demanding they be paid their bonuses then, not later. Instead of receiving their bonuses, they received brutal and vicious repression, administered by troops then on active duty. General Douglas MacArthur (may his name live in infamy forever!) led the operation. Major Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton were also involved. MacArthur gassed the veterans ("gassed his own people"!), and set their camp on fire. Two vets died, and a thousand were injured by gas. That's the sort of gratitude you can expect once you get home-- if you come home, that is. I hear the Pentagon has ordered lots and lots of body bags.

Then there's "friendly fire." It's bad enough to have the other side shooting at you. But the U.S. military is so brutal and vicious, it even murders its own soldiers! Think of all the American soldiers who have died from "friendly fire." They don't give a fuck about you! They're just using you as pawns in their dirty game of world domination. Historian Howard Zinn notes that American prisoners of war were probably among those who died in the Nagasaki atomic blast. The U.S. warlords were notified there were likely U.S. war prisoners one mile north of the city, and went ahead with the barbaric act of mass murder anyway.

Happy Imperialist Cannon Fodder Day-- suckers!
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The USA is honouring their war dead as if they were selling 0% Financing on ALL 2003 Chevy Tahoe ArabBuster Editions this weekend....It's An Iraqiganza, By Jingo!
RawHumor said:
I love it when you talk dirty to me like that.
dammit you supposed to come back with something else so I could use a Dilbert in Drag line on your ass. Sheesh, some people!
brokenbrainwave said:
dammit you supposed to come back with something else so I could use a Dilbert in Drag line on your ass. Sheesh, some people!

NCAA-lovin fruit-tart.

Good enough?
I think Red is in my History class. Hey have you read the book yet? I'm on page 50.

"In spite of having sequestered one of the smallest rooms in the club, and having filled it full of smoke, Johnson and his pals couldn't come up with a single conspiracy."

Congrats...........you sound even more pathetic, and idiotic, than ever. The meds are not working. You rhetoric spewing, bombastic hurling, poor excuse for a human being. Your time in the service must have kept the MP's busy. If you'd have been in my squad..........I'd have made you a hero.
Azwed said:
Oh fuck off.

What? You don't believe the story?

It happened alright.

Just like Maggie Thatcher hid all the disabled veterans of the Falklands war away from the prying eyes of the cameras at the 'Victory' service held in St Paul's Cathedral...

She didn't want the public to see what war can really do to the human body...

Or consider the pittance that war widows receive to live on. Die for your country and your country will make sure your wife dies too - of malnutrition...

Or consider the long legal battle survivors of the Gulf War have had to claim compensation for the cocktail of drugs forced on them...

Or consider the fact that victims of shell shock during WWI were considered either malingerers or insane. Even to the extent of using electric shock treatment on them...

And when any war is over the politicians stand up and say "we" have won a great victory...

"Down went the gunner, a bullet was his fate
Down went the gunner, and then the gunner's mate
Up jumped the sky pilot, gave the boys a look
And manned the gun himself as he laid aside The Book, shouting...

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we'll all stay free

Praise the Lord and swing into position

Can't afford to be a politician
Praise the Lord, we're all between perdition
And the deep blue sea

Yes the sky pilot said it
Ya gotta give him credit
For a sonofagun of a gunner was he

Shouting Praise the Lord, we're on a mighty mission
All aboard, we ain't a-goin' fishin'
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we'll all stay free"

Fuck off Redwave, I for one am god damn proud to have been a part of the military. Don't you dare disrespect my friends and all my fellow veterans with a post such as this.
ppman's military service extends as far as crossing the bridge of death, no wait.... that was in Monty Python In Search of the Holy Grail.
naded said:
Fuck off Redwave, I for one am god damn proud to have been a part of the military. Don't you dare disrespect my friends and all my fellow veterans with a post such as this.

For fuck's sake, how does saying that veterans are treated like shit by their government cunting disrespect them?

You've got a strange thought process naded...

I've always suspected it.

Sad Truth . . .

p_p_man said:
For fuck's sake, how does saying that veterans are treated like shit by their government cunting disrespect them?

You've got a strange thought process naded... I've always suspected it. ppman

Hard words, p p man, but supported by history . . . but also wasted on a government determined to take over undeveloped oil reserves to maintain its nineteenth century economy . . . more will listen as conscription is brought back to feed the military monster and college kids are returned to their parents . . . incomplete within their bodybags . . . :)

Our Armistice Day, your Veteran's Day, marks the cease-fire for WWI, negotiated in a railway carriage and signed at Versailles Palace . . . the subsequent reparations talks were overborne by "Colonel" House, a J P Morgan affiliate, who ran the price of German war reparations through the roof, 36 million pounds sterling, way above that wanted by the European nations.

Ultimately attempting to pay these reparations was considered responsible for the breakdown in Weimar Germany that spawned the Nazi Party . . . which in turn was assisted by a 35 million pound loan through Farben AG from a group of five US banks including Morgans, and rolled Europe into the subsequent WWII . . . creating huge profits for the American munitions industry . . . and the post-war Marshall Plan providing financial restitution for US corporations whose German-based subsidiaries were obliterated by USAF . . .

It is important to keep our long term historical perspective with the US-Iraq War for Control of Undeveloped Oil Reserves . . . being brought to us by the appointed US Dubyah Shrub Administration and the NE industro-military complex . . . :)
My best thread ever

Yes, I've outdone myself this time, haven't I? I'm especially proud of having provoked Ozwad into revealing himself to be a warmongering pig, blowing his "center-left" cover.
Re: My best thread ever

Yes, I've outdone myself this time, haven't I? I'm especially proud of having provoked Ozwad into revealing himself to be a warmongering pig, blowing his "center-left" cover.

I think you'll find that being proud of making an intelligent post is even better, when you finally make one for the first time.
Good One . . .

Lancecastor said:
The USA is honouring their war dead as if they were selling 0% Financing on ALL 2003 Chevy Tahoe ArabBuster Editions this weekend....It's An Iraqiganza, By Jingo!

Clever post, Lance . . . :)
Re: My best thread ever

Yes, I've outdone myself this time.....blowing his "center-left" cover.

you know alot about blowing.

You're an idiot.