Happy 111th birthday, Milton Friedman, your wish has come true


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
In particular, Friedman would likely be amazed at the expansion of education freedom over the last year as well as the landmark Supreme Court decision to eliminate racial preferences in education.

In the past three years alone, more than 20 states have enacted new education choice policies or expanded existing ones, including eight states that are in the process of implementing Friedmanā€™s vision of universal school choice.

And last month, the Supreme Court decided jointly in two cases brought by Students for Fair Admissions against Harvard and the University of North Carolina that the equal protection clause prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, including in college admissions.

For Friedman , these two issues were closely connected. He was convinced that black Americans could not obtain equality of opportunity unless they had access to school choice. But he also understood that if those educational opportunities were allocated with racial preferences, that system might help a few but would inevitably undermine access to quality options for most black Americans
Most people don't understand the connection between democrat programs and their own personal welfare.

When you control who gets to do what, based on whatever definition you set, the people who get the benefit of those programs are beholden to you because if they don't do what you say, you can cut off their benefits.

This is why the teachers union is suing in several states on the basis that the state setting the standards and curriculum in public schools somehow violates the teacher's rights to teach whatever they want. Because if the union loses on this issue, the power and the benefits they receive from democrat controlled/run programs are reduced.