Hanns_Schmidt: Short dicked troll with no boyfriend

Hanns_Schmidt said:
I'm going to choke your grandmother with your head rag

Disclaimer: Non voilence is my motto. I will never threaten anyones grandmother and actually mean it. Hi Laurel

I only have one grandma left and you aren't man enough to take her.
WI but she would run you over with her bullet proof ATV.
I'm thinking you dance around in tighy whities to Eye of the Tiger *packing* all the heat of a squirt gun.

*yawns* damn, Hanns .. you've gotten really stale lately.

maybe you should take a 'time out' and chill out. come back and play when you are prepared to be nice to the other children.
until that point i suggest yoga and retreatism.


sometimes you are funny. but mostly you're just a twat.
Hairgrip said:

maybe you should take a 'time out' and chill out. come back and play when you are prepared to be nice to the other children.
until that point i suggest yoga and retreatism.


sometimes you are funny. but mostly you're just a twat.

hairgrip you're wasting your breath he's just a troll he posts the way he does to annoy people thats all ... don't worry about him he'll get bored soon :)
hotNnasty said:
Boring Hanns. You're just plain boring.

Yeah but he makes funny noises when you poke him with sharp stick.

See *poke poke*

Hans whines like a stuck pig *eeehheeeeee*
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I'm going to choke your grandmother with your head rag

Disclaimer: Non voilence is my motto. I will never threaten anyones grandmother and actually mean it. Hi Laurel

Hanns should be banned.