
I like the Kevin Bacon show, though it's not a "must-see".

I have no interest in watching Hannibal.
I've often wondered what happened to the elephants after they crossed the Alps.
I gave up Followers, even though I am a big fan of Kevin Bacon, after watching an episode that aired more commercial minutes than product minutes. Enough already.
I've often wondered what happened to the elephants after they crossed the Alps.

Mostly, they died pretty quickly. Some did see some battle action, though. Horses are pretty skittish, and unfamiliar animals frighten them, including camels and elephants.

However, elephants are afraid of pigs coated with pitch and lit on fire, as the Romans discovered.
I dig the show. I am liking the will graham character. However Hannibal is hard to understand at times.
Sadly all that did was cause me to go buy wild mushrooms for dinner the next night. I was amazed at the stereotype Asian chick saying "find and shiitakes"? Haha
i don't know how many times i've watched just parts of Hannibal.

bacon has a decent package. could be a sock.