Hangover prevention methods


Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2002
I'm getting ready for a New Year's party and I fully expect to be on my ass before 1 o'clock tonight. I've been loading up on fluids and carbs. Anybody have any other anti-hangover methods?

I'll thank you in the morning. ;)
Thke 3 Tylenol and a shitload of water before you go to sleep.
Don't take the tylenol, just drink lots and lots of water before you go to sleep. You should have one glass of water for every alcoholic drink.

The combination of Tylenol and alcohol can do serious damage to your liver. This is also true of Aleve and alcohol.
"Beer before liquor gets you fucked up quicker!"

"Liquor before beer, you're in the clear!"
The headache is caused by being dehydrated. If you drink enough water, you'll prevent that.
So why was my first thought not to drink?
Oh yeah, cause I'm a party pooper.
Mona said:
So why was my first thought not to drink?
Oh yeah, cause I'm a party pooper.

It's time to get loose, sweetheart! You can sip on some sparkling cider and no one will be the wiser!
pick up a couple of bottles of Gatorade or Powerade on your way out....it'll speed up the rehydration.....have fun!....be careful! ;)
I like aspirin. Take some now and before you go to bed. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Also you will need a classic coke at your bedside to drink immediately upon awakening. Get the blood sugar back up.
It's just been brought to my attention that I'm responsible for videotaping all the shenanigans at the party. I will have to curtail my drinking in order to ensure a steady hand with the equipment.

Art before all else!

Maybe next year.
take it from a Hardman..just keep drinking
hair of the dog ,,and all that