GWB: 200,000+ murders in California


Jul 4, 2002
That's how many abortions to expect in CA every year.


More than 50% of all abortions take place during the first eight weeks of pregnancy, and 88% occur during the first trimester.

The person that referred to Washington DC as the murder capital wasn't lying--every year expect about 150 abortions per 1000 women aged 15-44.
Some old stats but in 1995 64% of American women 15-44 used contraception.

17% of women 15-44 used the pill. 13% used condoms. 1.5% used periodic abstinence. We need to find a way to shuffle up those numbers or better yet add them all into the correct column.
Ishmael, you're in luck. Once an American male reaches 60 he can expect to live 20more years. Those that reach 75 have another 10years of unbounded happiness.
In 1999 14million arrests were made in America. 17,000 for embezzlement.

More recent info: 31.5Rubles=1USD. A kilo of bananas cost 22rubles. A kilo of grapes run 85rubles. A liter of milk 30rubles (the others are decent, last is high).
70/30 said:
In 1999 14million arrests were made in America. 17,000 for embezzlement.

So roughly one half of one percent of the total population was arrested in 1999. That's a lot lower than I would think from watching the news. (or maybe it just sounds better in percentages...)
Less than that--it's total arrests so multiple offenders count twice. However, the percentage of crimes that are actually solved are embarrassingly low. I would say anyone with half a brain could get away with a lifetime of crime but the lessons learned from Ivan Karamazov, Raskolnikov, and Smerdyakov remind me. That's why the embezzlers bribe their way out.
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