Guys, I have a penis question


Jul 6, 2002
I was watching this uh, video...and there were male dancers. Naked male dancers, and their big hard dicks were just flopping all over the place crazily.

Does that hurt? Have any of you done that?

Hi Glam!

Ok, I'll be back later, bumping for answers. I need to know!

Soblue said:
I was watching this uh, video...and there were male dancers. Naked male dancers, and their big hard dicks were just flopping all over the place crazily.

Does that hurt? Have any of you done that?


I used to dance. (part of my degree, don't you know)

I used to dance naked (it's artistic, 'K?)

Yes, it can hurt a lot

I hope that clears things up for you.

Soblue said:
I was watching this uh, video...and there were male dancers. Naked male dancers, and their big hard dicks were just flopping all over the place crazily.

Does that hurt? Have any of you done that?


Are you sure you were paying enough attention to the video?

"big hard" shouldn't be "just flopping".

If they are "just flopping" then no it does not hurt. Does your rack hurt when you are dancing without a bra?

If they are "big hard" then they shouldn't flop and yes it can hurt.

I'm sure you wanted to know that;)
Jump up and down....

Any hanging appendage hurt?
Actually, we start doing that early in life with our newfound toy!
As we age, with practice, we can twirl it like a pasty!
You don't have to spend money to have fun.
Nope. But then I'm not big enough to get much "tip" velocity.
If it's really hard it ain't gonna flop! If it's soft you can twirl it like an airplane prop.
I always wonder about guys who do Yoga. Some of the poses seem like they'd squish a guy.
plasticman33 said:
If it's really hard it ain't gonna flop! If it's soft you can twirl it like an airplane prop.

Hehe... a nifty little rhyme.
Re: Re: Guys, I have a penis question

woodgie2 said:
I used to dance. (part of my degree, don't you know)

I used to dance naked (it's artistic, 'K?)

Yes, it can hurt a lot

I hope that clears things up for you.


Woodgie, thank you for your professional answer!

oggbashan said:
Are you sure you were paying enough attention to the video?

"big hard" shouldn't be "just flopping".

Oggbashan, I watched it over and over, I mean I paid very close attention :D

They were big and hard, yet were twirling and flinging all over the place. Perhaps "flopping" was a bad choice of words.

Thanks also to everyone else for your answers!
I came to this thread expecting hot tranny action.
For some reason, my brain didnt compute the "question" in that title.
When I dance naked, I weigh mine down by tying household items, such as irons and hams, to my penis. That way, you avoid twirling and flinging. My boobs and butcheeks though, that's a different story.
Soblue said:
I was watching this uh, video...and there were male dancers. Naked male dancers, and their big hard dicks were just flopping all over the place crazily.

Does that hurt? Have any of you done that?


Are you sure they didn't have something tied around the base of their dicks, to keep their dicks hard. That would account for the "flopping" around. I know male strippers do it to avoid disappointing their audience. They stroke it hard backstage and then stick a tight band on, to avoid "shrinkage" leading up to the finale.
Re: Re: Re: Guys, I have a penis question

Soblue said:
Woodgie, thank you for your professional answer!

Oggbashan, I watched it over and over, I mean I paid very close attention :D

They were big and hard, yet were twirling and flinging all over the place. Perhaps "flopping" was a bad choice of words.

Thanks also to everyone else for your answers!

Would "bob, bob bobbing" be a better term??

I've never had any problem with swinging, swaying & twirling around.:D
Re: Re: Guys, I have a penis question

oggbashan said:
If they are "just flopping" then no it does not hurt. Does your rack hurt when you are dancing without a bra?
depends on the type of dancing
SilvaTungDevil said:
When I dance naked, I weigh mine down by tying household items, such as irons and hams, to my penis. That way, you avoid twirling and flinging. My boobs and butcheeks though, that's a different story.

This guy cracks me up. He should post more.
Now I really want to see a ham tied to a penis! lol I don't know how you guys walk around with all that stuff anyway!
Nah, it doesn't hurt to swing a big hard dick around, at least it doesn't mine. But I'm double jointed so that might make a difference.
Re: Re: Re: Guys, I have a penis question

J.B. said:
depends on the type of dancing

Can you post a demonstration video of the dances that hurt and those that don't?

Is it you or your partner that gets hurt?
