gunshot wound to chest, neck tied by extension cord to a tree, ruled a suicide... do what now?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Almost a year after the death of a Clinton aide (May '22) known to have signed epstein into the whitehouse 17 times (per the report by the daily mail so unsure about the facts of that), it's been officially ruled as a suicide. The body was discovered tied to a tree by the neck and with a gunshot wound to the chest, yet no weapon was discovered near the body. A gun case and ammo were found in his SUV, but no weapon.

So could someone please explain to me how that's indicative of a suicide???

did he shoot himself with buckshot, throw the weapon away, then tie his neck to a tree limb above him and hang himself to be sure?

no, i'm NOT suggesting he was eliminated by the Clintons... sounds he may have been into shit he shouldn't have been but a suicide? really?
Almost a year after the death of a Clinton aide (May '22) known to have signed epstein into the whitehouse 17 times (per the report by the daily mail so unsure about the facts of that), it's been officially ruled as a suicide. The body was discovered tied to a tree by the neck and with a gunshot wound to the chest, yet no weapon was discovered near the body. A gun case and ammo were found in his SUV, but no weapon.

So could someone please explain to me how that's indicative of a suicide???

did he shoot himself with buckshot, throw the weapon away, then tie his neck to a tree limb above him and hang himself to be sure?

no, i'm NOT suggesting he was eliminated by the Clintons... sounds he may have been into shit he shouldn't have been but a suicide? really?

It’s Arkansas.

That ^ is all I needed to know.

This is the strangest suicide since that Connecticut state trooper who somehow shot herself in the back of the head after stating they had proof of what the Clinton Foundation was really doing with that money.
This is the strangest suicide since that Connecticut state trooper who somehow shot herself in the back of the head after stating they had proof of what the Clinton Foundation was really doing with that money.
I've heard a rumour, the Clinton's have been taking notes from here. You should be careful, very careful....*chuckles*
I've heard a rumour, the Clinton's have been taking notes from here. You should be careful, very careful....*chuckles*
srsly, lol... i'm amazed he can be so stupid to think that if it had anything to do with the Clintons that it would be such a shabby job leaving little fingers on little hands getting all pointy
Often murders are made to look like suicides. So this suicide disguised as a murder might be a brilliant misdirection! Certainty a case for Detective Benoit Blanc!
Honestly the snag I always see with these sorts of stories and suicide/murders is that its always ham handed. Like I'm sure if a Clinton wanted me dead they'd never find my body. It would be straight up Dexter style put me on a boat, chop me into little pieces and feed me to the fishes. I'm sure SOMEWHERE has a construction site where someone could toss me in some fresh cement and nobody would find me until some earthquake broke me out.

These people with so many resources at their disposal don't seem to be too bright about using them. Like if I killed someone I'd have to make sure I didn't leave DNA or fingerprints cus the body is gonna get found. Its jut a matter of how long it takes and if I can get a plausible allibi of I couldn't possibly have killed Jack, here's my credit card statement from Claim Jumper two states away kinda stuff. But I don't have access to a private plan, or a boat or you know all the crap to cover it up.

That's not to say I believe that every supposed suicide is one, that's to say we need to take a longer harder look at who had motive, access, so on and so forth.
Honestly the snag I always see with these sorts of stories and suicide/murders is that its always ham handed. Like I'm sure if a Clinton wanted me dead they'd never find my body. It would be straight up Dexter style put me on a boat, chop me into little pieces and feed me to the fishes. I'm sure SOMEWHERE has a construction site where someone could toss me in some fresh cement and nobody would find me until some earthquake broke me out.

These people with so many resources at their disposal don't seem to be too bright about using them. Like if I killed someone I'd have to make sure I didn't leave DNA or fingerprints cus the body is gonna get found. Its jut a matter of how long it takes and if I can get a plausible allibi of I couldn't possibly have killed Jack, here's my credit card statement from Claim Jumper two states away kinda stuff. But I don't have access to a private plan, or a boat or you know all the crap to cover it up.

That's not to say I believe that every supposed suicide is one, that's to say we need to take a longer harder look at who had motive, access, so on and so forth.

but is there any scenario where he might have shot himself in the chest, found it wasn't fatal, disposed of the gun, then took an extension cord, tied it around a tree branch and then his neck and THEN sat down to hang himself? it seems beyond credulity.
I didn't say this guy wasn't murdered. He was. I just don't buy into this whole it was super powerful people. Like if you listen to most RWers, not the OP this time, they believe Hillary has killed more people than cancer. I've already looked over half the deaths on the list and basically anybody who knew her or Bill and died was killed by her. Like I forget Chris what's the last name at Benghazi. You can disagree with her handling all you want. Considering we did suggest he leave the country I wouldn't have given him a choice in matter. Get on the plane, NOW. However we have no reason to think he knew where the bodies are. Many at least appear to be natural causes. Yes I know there are ways to kill that look natural but a 50 year old having a heart attack or brain annurism is improbable not unlikely.

Cops and judges TEND towards conservatism. Apparently every liberal politician is so much smarter than EVERY conservative that we never leave any real evidence you can use. Granted with Bobert, Green, Gaetz, Trump and Santos I'm starting to believe that's a possibility. I don't have to agree with Romney's politics, I think he's a decent human being and pretty smart. I think the Bush's are decent human beings,Bush jr might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he's not screaming about a national divorce. Like we need to be able to parse between someone being wrong, someone lying and someone being pants on head retarded. Oh and we might disagree on how best to accomplish a goal. Maybe you want to order pizza because you don't feel like getting up and I want to go pick it up because its cheaper. We both want the pizza.
Almost a year after the death of a Clinton aide (May '22) known to have signed epstein into the whitehouse 17 times (per the report by the daily mail so unsure about the facts of that), it's been officially ruled as a suicide. The body was discovered tied to a tree by the neck and with a gunshot wound to the chest, yet no weapon was discovered near the body. A gun case and ammo were found in his SUV, but no weapon.

So could someone please explain to me how that's indicative of a suicide???

did he shoot himself with buckshot, throw the weapon away, then tie his neck to a tree limb above him and hang himself to be sure?

no, i'm NOT suggesting he was eliminated by the Clintons... sounds he may have been into shit he shouldn't have been but a suicide? really?
The report I saw said the shotgun was found some 30 feet from the body, which they attributed to recoil and the grade of the ground.
okay! so we're agreed on this... i was just asking if there was ANY possibility it was a suicide because i just couldn't see it as an option

we do *nods*
You know what, I'll add that its at least possible he hung himself and had someone shoot him for whatever reason. People kinda forget, or never knew, that hanging isn't supposed to choke you to death. Its supposed to break your neck. It would really suck to hang yourself and not die. The thing that keeps a lot of suicidal people alive is the fact it takes a lot of mental fortitude to do it by MOST means which is why guns are the number suicide tool. It gets the job done and gets it done quickly. Not all of us live close enough to train tracks to use that method, a car might swerve, I know even at my worse I couldn't stab myself all seppuku style. PAin hurts I have proven more than once that alcohol poisoning is myth. Which leaves poison and just like when you drink too much you're body will make you vomit, tried that once too.

I don't think thats what happened from reading of the article. If I had to hazard a guess and I kinda hate guessing cus I pride myself on rarely being wrong. If I had to though I'd say he pissed off the wrong person, not a politician or high end celebrity or rich person. It kinda shocks me sometimes how rich you can get without REALLY being that well known Three years ago if Bezo walked in and slapped me I wouldn't be the bigger man. I worked at Walmart for two years, no clue what any of the Waltons names are. I bet they could pull that Undercover Boss. To me this sounds like a criminal, I mean PRIOR to the murder and either he couldn't himself or he was strung up as an example.

On a slight side note while this isn't a great example the overwhelming majority of murders are commited by people either with no priors or nothing you should think "Oh this person is dangerous." Stealing a PS5 is a felony. Punishable by death if its my PS5 but I don't equate that with don't let this person have a gun or he'll be in a 7-11 next. I don't care if you were a drug dealer, back when people actually used checks I wouldn't have cared if you bounced a check unless it was proven you did that very, veyr much on purpose. So on and so forth.