Growing up Music - Which decade is the best?


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2002
I was a teenager in the 80's, grew up listening to Duran Duran, early Madonna, Bon Jovi etc. When I think about "great" music, I think of the popular music that I listened to during that time: classic 80's music. I was too young when 70's music was happening, and the 90's just seemed like a wasteland to me, with grunge rearing it's ugly head.

My question is: Do you feel the decade you "grew up in" (i.e - your teenage years) had the best music, or do you appreciate music from varied decades??

Bored tonight, so please, entertain me! *grin*
I was born in the late 70's, so I guess I'm really a 90's boy, but the 80's kicked so much ass over the bullshit 90's.

I fucking hated most of the 90's.
My mom liked oldies, my dad liked classic rock, and I liked popular stuff when I grew up.

I'm still partial to that, but if you played The Lovin' Spoonful or Steppenwolf, I wouldn't complain.

RastaPope said:
I was born in the late 70's, so I guess I'm really a 90's boy, but the 80's kicked so much ass over the bullshit 90's.

I fucking hated most of the 90's.

Have to agree with you there, RastaPope. Thanks.
They all have there high points and there low points. I grew up mainly with 1940s music though.
His_kitty said:
I'm an 80's girlie.

From pop, hair bands and heavy metal.

Yep, me too. I can even remember most of the lyrics, even to the so-called "power-ballads", if you can believe that.
Most Definately...

the 80s. Big hair, men that screamed like women (and looked like), Scorpions, Motley Crue, Van Halen, all made for the best bands of the time. I do recall, during the 80s asking 'Aerosmith who?!'...I think those guys must be pickled to last this long.
I feel sorry for

the kids of today. There memories of "music" will be of bands who can't play an instrument or sing, saying "Yo" a lot. Yo!
I grew up with Creedance Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin, Eric Clapton, Phoebe Snow, James Taylor, The Moody Blues, Joan Armetrading, Carol King.

I like western swing, old jazz and my fav is Bluegrass. I quit listening to popular music in the 80's so I have a limited knowledge of it all from there.
70's Hands down!

Minkey Boodle said:
70's are my favorite.

Where would we be without Funkadelic?

All praise Eddie Hazel. Lets see... Hendrix didn't make it to the 80's. No Freddie King either. No Duane Allman. The list goes on...
The hair bands of the 80's blew goats. Without exception. No soul, all conformity, all Corporate.

70's was the height of Jeff becks career. Funkadelic ruled also. Pink Floyd's best years, Frank Zappa, Led Zepplin, Mahavishnu Orchestra...

There was a lot of inspired musical geniuses going in a lot of different directions. By the end of the 70's most of the creativity had gone from the industry and it (to me) had become a completely formulaic and homogenized assembly line of crap.
The 80's for me.

But what would be the name for this decade; the 0's

Sillyman said:
They all have there high points and there low points. I grew up mainly with 1940s music though.

I think we old farts are in the wrong thread here -- my first thought was the 40's, too. although the 50's and 60's are high on my list of favorite musical decades.
Rambling Rose said:
The 70's.

MTV effectively squelched any good that could have come out of the 80's.
While you are right in a sense here, there were some decent bands/artists in the '80s. U2, Talking Heads, Peter Gabriel, and Bruce Springsteen spring easily to mind.

And of course if you're a hip-hop fan, the best old school stuff was definitely in the '80s.

Born in 75. Loved the 80's. Especially Bon Jovi. "So you wanna be a cowboy..." Make me cream. Then New Kids on the Block came around, and I disgusted myself. I was too old for that shit. *Hanging my head in shame* I think I've rebounded though.
cheesysusie said:
Then New Kids on the Block came around, and I disgusted myself. I was too old for that shit. *Hanging my head in shame* I think I've rebounded though.

as long as you havent rebounded into the Backshaft boys or n'sync or whatever, then we'll forgive you.

I bet you loved jon jovi's hair in the vid for 'livin on a prayer' too! ;)
It's funny, because as I get older, I gain a greater appreciation for ALL music. I was born in 1974, the year after Dark Side of the Moon. I grew up un 80s pop, then started going backwards, first to 70s rock, and then WAY back to the blues ala Robert Johnson. Then, I started getting into 90's grunge stuff, then into avant gard instrumental music, back around to 80's metal, and now I listen to really modern metal.
Which decade is the best? Which one isn't?
Starblayde said:
as long as you havent rebounded into the Backshaft boys or n'sync or whatever, then we'll forgive you.

Nope, now it's mostly angry chicks and older stuff. Oh, and the Pixies, can't go wrong there. I love music. All kinds, almost.